Mun Information
Name/nickname: Mellos
Journal: I'd rather not give it out if that's ok. I don't use it for rp purposes.
AIM/MSN name: nomarshmellos (aim)
Age: (You can estimate as long as you're over 18.) 23
Current Characters in El Dorado: (if any) none
Character Information
Name: Jack Shephard
Fandom: LOST
Canon point: Season 3, Episode 19 - The Brig, after Jack leaves to find Naomi
Age: 35
Brief history: (You may summarize, and then post a link to website if necessary.)
This is Jack's Lostpedia page, which is crazy detailed and definitely more than what's needed seeing as I'm taking him from Season 3. I'm sticking with canon for everything up to the point where I put him into the game. There are a few key things to know about his background, the first being that he comes from a cold, demanding family and has a particularly troubled relationship with his father, Christian.
Throughout most of his life, Jack was convinced that his father knew all the answers. He diligently studied every move the other man made, wanting nothing more than to become the man he believed his father to be. Later when Jack realized the truth about his father's drinking problem, he became jaded and felt that he had been tricked somehow into emulating someone who was less than a hero. For years he held a bitter regard toward Christian Shephard until his unexpected death in Australia. Because of his attitude toward his father when he died, Jack feels incredibly guilty and still wrestles with feelings of love, hatred, and unfailing loyalty for the elder Shephard. He sees many of the characteristics (such as the tendency to be overbearing and the growing dependency on alcohol) that he had grown to resent in his father in himself, and it bothers him.
Prior to the crash, Jack was married to a woman named Sarah. She was a patient of his on whom he operated, both saving her life and her ability to walk. With him working so many hours as a surgeon, their relationship deteriorated and became lifeless, causing Sarah to ultimately carry out an affair. They soon split on rocky terms, with Jack contesting the divorce, determined that he could "fix" their marriage. Sarah wanted nothing to do with Jack, leaving him hurt and distrustful of relationships. At the moment he finds himself attracted to Juliet Burke and despite his reservations trusts her implicitly.
Ever since he was a child Jack felt the pressure to be exceptional. His family expected nothing less than great and to be average was unheard of. Because of this Jack will never allow himself to be sub par. He is a perfectionist to the highest degree and easily becomes impatient with others - but with himself most of all. Jack does not accept failure from himself and when he cannot accomplish a task falls into a state of denial. Once this denial hits, Jack will become uncharacteristically irrational and desperate to gain some form of success. He is always one to finish what he started and finish it well.
Coming from a long line of doctors, Jack is no stranger to responsibility. He understands what it means to commit to a cause and will always follow through on what he says and his loyalty is unquestionable. Ethics are very important to him, and Jack has little tolerance for those who he feels do not share his moral code, at times becoming very judgmental. Still, he will always try to do what is best for the whole and put his own feelings aside even if a person he despises would benefit.
He walks a fine line between humility and pride. Though Jack carries himself confidently and is a renowned surgeon, he feels the most comfortable when regarded as an "everyman". Because of the enourmous pressure he already exerts on himself, having other people depend on him magnifies the stakes of a situation greatly. However, as Christian once pointed out, it's the pressure that "makes him tick". He has quite a large messiah complex and needs to be needed. He's a stubborn individual and feels useless when he has no goal and will oftentimes bite off more than he can chew. This greatly comes from the fact that he knows he's smart and good at what he does professionally, but doesn't always realize that intelligence doesn't necessarily equal skill. He's definitely more "book smart" than "street smart".
Often described as "the man of science", Jack's mind is very analytical. He has difficulty believing in things that can't be explained rationally, especially the supernatural. This isn't to say that his mind can't be swayed. He's naturally skeptical, but will listen to a seemingly ridiculous proposal from someone he trusts or if the evidence is particularly compelling. Jack has also been aptly likened to Thomas the Apostle who was very faithful and brave, yet mostly remembered for his doubts concerning the resurrection of Christ. Ironically, Jack is an atheist.
While skeptical about events, Jack is extremely trusting of people themselves if they did not leave a negative first impression. If they did, it's a guilty until proven innocent scenario. But for people he considers friends and family Jack will take people on nothing more than their word, even if they have shown themselves to be dishonest in the past. He desperately wants to believe in the goodness of humankind - many times against his better judgment. All benefit of doubt however is removed if the party in question has done something particularly egregious, such as Locke's direct involvement in Boone's death.
Due to his harsh relationship with his parents Jack doesn't believe that he would be a good father, yet we see evidence of the contrary in how he acts with his nephew Aaron and in an alternate universe that poses the question of what would happen if he did have a son. In both instances Jack struggles with knowing what is best for the child, yet is ultimately nurturing and wants to do everything he can to connect with the younger generation. This is also seen a bit in season one with Boone where Jack assumes responsibility for anything that happens to the younger survivor while with Locke.
Abilities: (If applicable) medical training, the ability to think quickly and rationally, has taken flying lessons, has a good memory, very skilled poker player which he can use to spot thieving and slight of hand
Third-person sample:
The plane flight from LA to Sydney had been excruciating, Jack had no reason to believe that the route back would be any better. There were only so many movies he could watch and so many things he could eat before he got stir crazy. All of his attempts to sleep were thwarted by a natural lurching of the plane or the constant buzzing in his ears. Chewing gum was supposed to help the buzzing, but he was not about to risk swallowing the gum when he was so tired, and he abhorred the stuff anyway.
Slipping out of his seat, Jack made his way down the aisle toward the restroom. He didn't have to use it at the moment, but at least this way he could walk, stretch, and have a bit of a change of scenery. He reasoned that splashing some water on his face would do a bit of good as well, and cursed himself mentally for not remembering to bring a toothbrush.
"'Scuse me," two fingers tapped him urgently on the shoulder. With a grunt, Jack turned around to see the Australian woman who had just spoken to him. Her blue eyes were wide and her hair seemed a bit matted which added to her frazzled look. One arm covered in bracelets slung loosely at her side while the other held her hugely pregnant stomach. She shifted her weight quickly from foot to foot, knees turning inward and threatening to ram into each other.
"Hey, are you ok?" Jack asked, lifting his eyebrows and wondering what someone obviously in her third trimester was doing on a plane.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just can't stand flying. I got so nervous I couldn't stop drinking water, I had to have something to do. I wish I could have had something stronger, but," she shrugged, tightening her lips into a smile, "I'm pregnant. Don't know if you noticed that one, by the way."
Jack had no idea how someone could talk so fast. He merely nodded, trying not to gape and ask her the millions of nosy questions that flooded his mind as a doctor. An exasperated look passed across her face she she raised the hand Jack assumed had tapped him and pressed the fingers to her forehead. "Look, I'm not trying to be rude, even though I probably already am," she continued, "but I really have to pee, so could I go before you? You could count it as your random act of kindness for the day."
"My what?" Jack managed to stammer. "Oh, right. Sure, go ahead. I don't even have to use the thing anyway, I'm just tired of sitting."
"Oh. My. God! Me too!" she said, slapping him lightly on the shoulder. With a tiny cringe that he tried to hide, Jack took a step backwards, almost afraid to be barreled over by a pregnant woman that seemed full of energy. He had no idea what he'd tell the flight attendants if that happened. "But then again," she said, looking down at her stomach and giving it a rub, "I have to use the toilet. That could be part of it. And I can't wait to sit down in there."
Even if she was a bit more exuberant than he was used to, Jack had to smile. This woman was clearly someone who enjoyed life and tried to live it to its fullest, even during the moments when she was waiting to use the toilet. "Well, uh, as long as we're here, we may as well make conversation, right? My name's - "
At that moment the lavatory door opened and a graying, middle aged man bustled out, tucking his shirt into his khaki pants as he walked away. The young woman held out her hand to Jack in an apologetic gesture as she stepped backward toward the restroom. "No offense or anything, you've been really great, but I have to go."
He nodded in response. "No problem, I understand. If you really wanted to we could always finish this when we land." With one last smile, the blonde gave him a thumbs up before entering the restroom and locking the door behind her. Replaying the last sentence he spoke aloud, Jack reasoned that in actuality they would probably not meet again once the plane landed. She seemed like a genuinely warm, happy person. Jack could only wish the best for her and her unborn baby as he slid his hands into his pockets and strode back to his seat. Maybe now he could sleep more calmly.
Magic word: swordfish