OOC info

Jul 20, 2006 22:36

I will finish that relationship meme tomorrow. This I swear! *shakes fist*

Concrit and OOC concerns:

I only just joined cfud_concrit, ahaha. But! I will definitely make comments every week from now on so please give me concrit any time. Following this post I'll set up an OOC concrit post on both Sousuke and Hiruma's journals as well for those who would prefer to be a little more anonymous. Those with more private issues are more than welcome to send me a message to the email on Hiruma's userinfo. This goes especially for Hiruma, as he's still a new character for me and I'm in no way as intelligent/scheming as him so if his character goes wtfWRONG, please please inform me.

Contact methods:

If I'm playing on CFUD, I'd most probably be on IRC, so ping, PM, poke me as you wish! The alternative would be to catch me on AIM at ShirokamiAkiko; I love seeing friendly strangers pop up to say hi. Should I happen to be out all day and you need to get an urgent message through, again, feel free to send me an email. I admit that I don't check as often as I should- maybe once in two days -but I should get back to you within three days.

Time and other scheduling issues:

This is going to change in a month when I return to school near Boston, but I'm currently in a timezone that's about 12 hours away from EST time and I'm also on vacation. Chances are, I'll be free to play, unless I'm out being social. As posts still go on in the EST evenings and alot of you hardly sleep (though you really should), the funky time isn't too big an issue, but I will miss the awesome posts that are made when I'm in bed. If anyone would like to play however, I am totally willing to stay up as long as my brain can function or wake up early for the thread, so please don't hesitate to ask.

Cliques, thread dropping, etc.:

I'm um, the weird sort to fret that a thread wasn't interesting enough or (now that I have Hiruma) too offensive whenever someone suddenly drops a thread with me, so unless a thread reaches a point where it looks suitable to tie off, I tend to try to comment to its death. At times though, I put my characters in more posts than my scattered brain can handle and I'd forget the earlier threads, or I might rush off somewhere halfway without a proper notice. When that happens, please come yell at me and I'll continue it. I'm totally up for backspam too, so if you missed a post but had intended to play at the time, do tell me and I'll gladly spam with you.

Also, I'd like to apologise in advance for how slow I reply for Hiruma. His character flows out far more naturally than when I first started out with him, but given how deliberate Hiruma's words are and how easy it is for him to get too antagonising for no reason at all, I always have to take time to think over his replies. With Sousuke, the character's already fixed in my mind and he's got such a narrow field of experience in life that it hardly takes any effort at all. But yes, if I do take too long in replying something, poke me as well.

Cliques, hm. I don't particularly have any cliques outside of the game, so let's go with the ones in-game. With Sousuke's distrusting soldier ways and dry military speech, he's hard to bring out and play for alot of posts, so his circle will probably never be very big. That's not to say that I won't interact with new people with Sousuke, but it takes a certain kind of post to attract that thick-headed idiot. Hiruma, on the other hand, is quite the opposite. Anything goes; new people = new blood to torture = awesome! He probably will gravitate alot to his canon team members if more come in, but it shouldn't be too big of an issue.

Comfort levels:

The last thing I'd ever want to do is make someone uncomfortable, so please please please tell me if you don't like something that I say IC or OOC. IC, I don't think Sousuke will be much of a problem but again, again... Hiruma. I've never had an app with so many abstained votes before and quite a number of them were due to the amount of swearing. I figure that players who don't like that would just avoid him like the plague, but for those who interact with him, if anything he says makes you as the player feel nasty, talk to me.


I'd love to beta anything, even those with canons that I don't know. I'm not really the best beta as I'm pretty easily amused, but I could at the very least check the voice for canons I know, as well as grammar and general stuff like that. Just send an email and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


I'm the sort to fret. Very easily. If a thread's suddenly dropped, I'd instantly worry if I did something wrong or if I was being ignored. At the same time, I have this irrational fear of talking to people who don't talk to me first, sort of a "oh crap I might be bothering her" kind of thing. Because of that fear, if this thread is with someone I'm not too familiar with, I usually decide to leave it as it is with the thought that the player's busy with other threads too. Kind of ironic since I'm constantly repeating that you guys should talk to me, I know...

This is not to say that people should be any different with me as it's really a stupid thing to fret over and it's mostly the fault of my own fear, but I just thought this spazzy side ought to be out in the open, especially since we're all being so honest with each other. *loves you all*

That said, if any of you wants to just talk or AU (which I highly doubt for either of my characters unless we're talking rough sex with Hiruma?) outside of RP, please hit me on it, because I might just be an idiot and be too shy to ask myself.


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