[Private | | Hackable]
This is... fuck. This is going to drive me nuts. What is wrong with me? Did I eat something- what the fuck. I've been doing the same thing I've been doing since I got here and what the fuck is this, oh my god.
...How long've I been here? In five months, it'll be two years. Shit.
Maybe I'm cracking? Humans are social creatures, maybe all this... has diven me nuts? I don't know. Shit, shit. Where the fuck is Prolix when you need her?
[/Private | | Hackable]
Oh, god. Let's get this outta everyone's system, okay? Hip and trendy pop-culture references to aliens on the beach go here.
I think that's more Indipendence Day, than The Day The Earth Stood Still, if you're confused. Because the aliens in one look like my kinda like my uncle, where the aliens in the other one look like...
Well, they look like the shit running around outside, actually.