Mandalus app

Oct 31, 2012 21:45

Name: Kiwi
Personal Journal: atomic_kiwi
Contact: Aim: KawaiiKitsuwa
Timezone: Central

Current Characters: None

Character Name: The Spine
Character Journal: Not_Doing_Puns
Canon: Steam Powered Giraffe
Canon Point: 2008- While he and the band are busking in Balboa Park.
Canon Building: n/a

History: Official Timeline Official Backstory Official The Spine Profile

Personality: Like the other members of the band, The Spine is an outgoing robot, always willing to talk with others, quick to smile and make jokes. However he tries to be the mature one, trying to rein in Rabbit and The Jon's antics as much as he's able. This isn't to say he doesn't have a sense of fun, and in fact when he allows himself to relax from the 'mature example' mode, he's just as ready for antics as the others. His attempts to be the boss often make him appear to be a stick in the mud, however he puts up with the ribbing, knowing that they have to be careful, walking a fine line between being considered 'charming, entertaining', and 'mechanical menaces'. It makes him work extra hard to appear normal and charming, hoping to balance out the sometimes unsettling hyperactivity of the others.

He have a playful side, though he comes across as more level-headed than the others, even if he often participates in their games, usually pretending at disapproval or being 'forced into it', though it's doubtful that anyone believes that particular charade, as he always winds up enthusiastically participating in the fun, often forgetting to pretend to grumble over his situation as he gets sucked up into what they're doing. At first glance though, he’s the ‘stick in the mud’ of the trio, and despite Rabbit’s constant teasing is content with this arrangement, as he sees it that someone has to keep a practical outlook on things. It also comes across sometimes that he has no sense of humor, on the occasions that he completely misses the joke, or takes his brother’s banter too literally, not realizing until he gets a strange reaction.

Despite his put together appearance and attitude, The Spine has his share of issues. Years of observing humans has left him with a distinct sense of separation and alienation that he desperately tries to erase through being as human as he possibly can. This was only exacerbated by the upgrades the government gave him, the observations and criticisms of every point about him as 'unnatural' and 'inhuman' while they were working making his want to fit in a near obsession. Despite what they claim, he is more human than they think, the feelings he has having long ago moved past the simple pre-programmed personality he was built with, especially when it comes to his fellow automatons. However the self-doubt they left him with hinder his realization of the emotions he does have, stunting their effects, especially those he doesn't experience as often, leaving him believing he still can't feel, though this is something he doesn't share with anyone.

Despite his somewhat stunted emotional responses, he holds a deep affection for The Jon and Rabbit, leading him to take on his 'big brother' role to try and care for them. And even if technically Rabbit was the older brother, The Spine was constantly usurping the responsibilities, and would protect them as such no matter what anyone thought about it. He has a distinct soft spot for the copper automaton, and thus indulges the excitable robot's antics with a remarkable patience, even allowing himself to be made the fool of on occasion, making it plain that the theft of Rabbit's power core in 1950 scared him more than he let on.

After so many trips locked in crates, he's developed a sense of claustrophobia, though this is mitigated by the other's presence, not to mention being able to break out of shipping crates, only really rearing it's head when he's alone, or unable to escape the predicament.

As calm as he is, it's hard to get him angry, though this is partly because he keeps such a tight lid on his temper, partly out of keeping up appearances, and largely out of a fear that he might say something hurtful to the others, or lash out and harm either them or humans, who he sees as terrifyingly fragile, especially after serving in multiple wars. The one thing that will definitely see his temper flare is someone harming either robot he sees as under his care, especially Rabbit, who despite being the elder robot, The Spine sees as a little brother to be fussed over, especially with how he malfunctions sometimes.

Despite all of this, The Spine remains optimistic about the world in general, viewing it through a lens of fascination that comes from watching the world change around them. He even remains hopeful about humanity, seeing the music the band performs as bringing a little joy into lives that sometimes seem bleak, and so throwing his all into each performance, delighting in the excitement he sees in the audience as they react to the music.
Imported Character History: n/a

Powers/Abilities:The Spine, being a musical automaton is skilled with singing, as well as a multitude of musical instruments. This also allows him to pick up new instruments remarkably quickly. Aside from this he’s very strong, the combination of his titanium alloy spine and his large frame allowing him to lift very heavy loads many times his own weight, though such exertion will run him down more quickly, at which point he will have to refill his boiler or risk malfunctioning or shutting down.

While he doesn’t have conscious access to these at this point, due to restrictive programming he requested Peter implement, he still carries the weaponry his frame was upgraded with for the war, including his blue matter ray projector arrays which for lack of a better term fire ‘lasers’, and a Tesla coil high voltage discharger, allowing him to shoot short bursts of electricity, either in a single direction or as a radius effect.

If he were able to access his weaponry, it would still be a rather dangerous thing for him; the ray projector drawing power straight from his core, meaning he had to use it sparingly; and the discharger holds a risk of system blackouts, as each use degrades the safety measures built into place to protect him, allowing him 10 one second bursts (enough voltage to knock back an average human briefly), 5 medium bursts lasting at the longest 5 seconds (Enough to do physical harm to an average human), or a single longer burst, lasting safely up to fifteen seconds (This is enough to potentially knock someone out for a longer period, or in the right conductive situation could potentially kill someone.), after which the charge begins to damage his systems, which would shut him down after 30 seconds of continued discharge. If he hits his limit on any of them the system safety blocks it’s use and it takes an outside mechanic to reset the discharger.

While his core rests in his frame, The Spine’s namesake is broader and segmented like a snake’s body, allowing him to exit his body, allowing him access to smaller areas in need of repair, or to hide and spy more effectively. His spine is equipped with a battery that’s charged when he docks in his chassis, and when fully charged allows him to be out of it for four days without damage. After this he falls into a ‘powersave mode’ like a coma, the only activity a small distress ping on nearby wireless signals. He can survive like this another three days before the battery fails, and he’s offlined, effectively dead; at any point before this placing him back into his chassis stops the process. At night, he prefers to leave his chassis to power down when possible, as it extends the life of the parts when they aren’t being used day and night; part of the reason he’s in so much better shape than either of his brothers.

First Person Sample: Just push this button here and… how do I even…?
[The voice on the line is smooth and deep, putting one in mind of old television announcers, though this is marred by a brief crackle of static as he lets out a startled breath of steam noticing that the phone is indeed working.]

Oookay guys. Thanks for telling me it was hide and seek time.


For the fifth time today.
[A beat longer, the only sound on his end the click of gears and a faint hiss of hydraulics as he shifted his stance, the silence almost awkward.]

You do realize we’ve got a show in fifteen minutes, right? I mean this is kinda cutting it close even for you The Jon.
...Rabbit? The Jon? [A moment’s silence longer before there’s the beeping of another button being pressed, the voice dropping to a grouchy mutter.]

Is this thing even working? Give me a rotary phone any day…

Third Person Sample: If there was one thing Walter’s creations were taught, beyond their musical skills? It was the inherent fragility of the humans that surrounded them. Peter had impressed upon them from the early days just how careful they had to be. It colored all of their interactions with humans, from their creator to their maintenance crews; they were always as careful as they could be to mind their strength, watch their grip, to be gentle.

This was why war was such a nasty shock.

It was one thing to fight another robot. The copper elephants they’d initially been outfitted with weaponry to fight had been a direct threat, and it was at least a somewhat balanced fight taken one on one. Not to mention they were fighting to protect those humans, the fragile things that they were, menaced by the green energy powered mechanical monstrosities. The creatures weren’t self aware in the least, merely remote controlled creations under the control of a grief-maddened scientist, and as such there was no uncertainty or discomfort. However the same could not be said for the following battles.

Seeing the success of Walter’s creations, the government contracted use of them in following wars. The first time it was fairly uneventful, the robots sent on search and rescue operations in World War I, prompting the continued use when World War II broke out. Despite orders, the group broke from the bombing raid they’d been assigned to, instead focusing attention on saving Allied troops, starkly painting their mindfulness and concern of the safety of the humans around them.

Would have thought they’d given up on us being battle robots. The Spine mused grumpily as he trudged along with the squad he’d been assigned to. It… had been a rough start, the soldiers not trusting him in the least… but they were starting to warm up to the robots, especially with their habit of bantering back and forth when it came time to make camp, lifting the spirits of the young men they were working with. The humidity of the jungles was wreaking havoc on their internals; the silver robot could hear Rabbit’s joints squeaking and squealing as he clambered over a fallen log in his usual twitchy style.

The Jon was only a little better, frame spasming occasionally in a way that made The Spine suspect there was some rot somewhere in his internals from all the moisture. He himself wasn’t immune, could feel the slick wet in his joints that made moving a bit more difficult. They’d have to talk to the mechanic in the group when they stopped tonight. Just another one of the downsides of trekking through the jungle. Rain.


The loud report startled The Spine; at first he was worried that something in one of his robotic companions had broken, but even as he was processing this line of thought the underbrush around them was erupting into sudden gunfire, shrill shouts barely audible over the din. The soldiers fired back, the robots using their ranged weaponry, but with all the foliage even they didn’t know where to shoot. There was a muffled thud, The Spine only dimly aware of the heavy wash of rain from one of the disturbed trees, as he grabbed the soldier nearest him by the back of his pack as the squad captain called for them to fall back. A quick glance back showed the others following suit, Rabbit and The Jon both were hauling along squad mates as the rest beat a retreat without help.

Almost as suddenly as it began, the chaos around them disappeared, the sudden silence near deafening as the guerrilla fighters melted away into the jungle again. Even so, it was awhile before the captain felt safe enough to call a halt, the men coming to a halt gratefully, cursing and gasping for breath as they took stock of themselves. The Spine glanced to where his companions were checking themselves over, relieved to see they were relatively unharmed. He himself could feel a sharp throbbing headache, and probing he discovered a hole two inches above his right eye. Not entirely unscathed, it seemed.

“Well, I always did think I could use a few more vents, what do you th-“ He started to say, turning his gaze to the soldier he’d pulled away, only to stop cold when he saw the state of him. Where’s the rest of his face?! The thought was strangely hysterical; and he only just kept from losing his grip. He didn’t understand. Mute, he crouched, the movement stiff, jerky as he laid the man out, still not sure he quite was processing the situation. He’d been shot in the head himself, maybe this was some sort of hallucination. A malfunction in his visual-imput processing cortex. That was it. It had to be.

“Jesus!” The exclamation of a nearby troop was more than enough to disrupt that thought process, The Spine’s gaze snapping up, green optics overbright as he met the man’s gaze, at a loss. Wordlessly, the young soldier pointed to the side of his own face, and then to The Spine’s swallowing heavily. Confused, the robot looked down, rubbing the back of his hand on his jacket to shine it before using it as an impromptu mirror. I think this is what horror feels like. He mused, feeling a queer unease as he realized the splash from before had certainly not been water. Rubbing his fingers across the mess only served to smear it around, which just served to agitate him further.

The sound of tearing fabric accompanied The Spine ripping his jacket off, not bothering to take the time to unbutton or remove it properly, using the camouflaged fabric to rub frantically at his face, soak up the blood that was splashed over the plating. When he looked up from this, the troops were carefully not looking that way, only Rabbit and The Jon watching, bright optics wide as they stared at The Spine as if expecting some explanation or comfort. He was the one who tried so hard to be human-like after all. He always had the answer. But here, he had no answer to give. The robots all knew what death was, had seen it before. Sometimes they dug bodies out of the rubble during a rescue mission, or came across a dead soldier in their travels during previous wars. But… they hadn’t seen it, not like this. And the bodies hadn’t been former friends. They’d been an abstract reminder of human mortality, and the myriad ways they could be killed, more easily dealt with for the trio.

It was one thing to know humans could be damaged easily, to be told as much. It was another thing entirely to see first-hand just how terrifyingly fragile they were in comparison to the robots. This was too real, too harsh, painted with the pain of loss that the robots were entirely unequipped to handle, suddenly too much.

The Spine surged to his feet suddenly, ruined jacket dropping from his grip unnoticed as he was suddenly consumed with the need to get away, away from the other soldiers, feeling for the first time in his existence deep sense of other, dividing him starkly from the humans that he so desperately wanted to understand. Not to mention a new-found fear, that he himself might spell their demise, an accident, a malfunction, something going horribly awry leaving him with their blood on his hands. If it were anything else, he might wonder about the stark terror that drove him to run, ignoring the confused shouts behind him, the sounds of his fellow robots following after, calling his name.

The calls were soon drowned out by the dull roar, flame and dirt and shrapnel ripping the ground out around them, The Spine feeling like he was hit by a truck, heard Rabbit’s stuttering shriek, was fairly certain he saw The Jon hit the ground near him before his visual and audio input went static, sensory net lighting up with pain before he knew no more.
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