baby dye plants...

Apr 06, 2010 22:53

so... woad grows like a weed which is great for my not so green thumb =D

weld on the left, woad on the right, madder in the middle...

little baby welds!!! The big one is the only one that sprouted when I planted them in the dirt... I've got 6 others from 'planting' them in the cup to watch them sprout and transplanting them from there into dirt... doesn't matter how... they're here now!!

had a bit of a fright with the woad... some weird orange stuff was all over one of the containers... posted to Facecrack and someone suggested spider mite eggs *shudders*... into the garbage that one went!!!

and the rest got transplanted into their new home!!! No sign of any more weird orange stuff thank the gods!!!!

and just for fun... my high tech watering bottle...

but it works like a hot damn =D

gardening, dyeing

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