You must be another new student here? Wow... we've certainly had a lot of them, lately... My name is Knuckles - pleased to meet you!
Er... anyhow. Another pupil who actually used to teach here has returned. He's some sort of big bad character with a history of hurting folks, taking over places... Y'know. The usual plots for world domination. Everyone is freaking out because they're worried he's gonna try it again... or just try get recenge for being put away last time his plans were foiled.
And I don't know anything about a Black hole... So, he MIGHT have been involved with it. I really don't know, though. There are other folks here know more about him than me.
Comments 8
Er... anyhow. Another pupil who actually used to teach here has returned. He's some sort of big bad character with a history of hurting folks, taking over places... Y'know. The usual plots for world domination. Everyone is freaking out because they're worried he's gonna try it again... or just try get recenge for being put away last time his plans were foiled.
Query: Pupil in question is involved with Black Hole?
And I don't know anything about a Black hole... So, he MIGHT have been involved with it. I really don't know, though. There are other folks here know more about him than me.
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