so in less then three months we've basicly put our wedding together
qick re-cap:
I'm Dani. FH Is Chris. we're in victoria Australia. and im currently 27 weeks preg! (when it rains it pours i guess!!)
we've booked our celabent; signed all pre-wedding stuff.
we've booked our place to get married & having the reseption there
i've booked my car FH is useing his/his BM's old holden =-D
FH is having his bux night next weekend. my hens night is about two weekends later
got my dress (need one final fitting...about a week before due to ever expanding bump
orderd my flowes, my mother is doing them
orderd the cake (mud cake from a local chain store)
.my Maids have their dresses and my Jr Brides maid has hers
not next week but the week after we're having our final meeting with the place we're going to work out table seating and the menu. the rest of the stuff like centepices and DJ they provide (yay) we just need to give them a CD for our first dance and the father/daughter mother/son dance
things are all happening now...but this 'drama' will amuse you all. as it did me.
so what wedding planning would be complate with out SOME kinda drama?
not mine i guess.
for almost 18 months FH and his brother didnt talk. we went to his brothers wedding but not the reseption or anything. that was all we could stomic at the time of him and his now wife. fast forward about a month - we hold an engagement party. we didnt ask them due to a) the tention and b) we never got a card (which i think was rather rude condidering we bought them a card/gift when they got enggaged...) but any whoo we got over it. 2 and a bit months later we found out about our bump. unexpected but we welcomed it. we told our perants and thus the wedding got bumped from may '09 to nov '08. YaY. kinda
with this whole wedding thing FH and i KNEW that his brother & his wife would expect and invite. FH mum and dad wanted them. in the end FH talked to his brother and extended an invite (about a week and half after we'd sent out all the other invites...) so any who fast forward to this week just past and this one. RSVP was saterday, i chased some people up (mainly my friends) and FH brother hadnt RSVP'd eather way. yes or no rather simple i assumed. so i find out wednesday night that FH's brother WILL be attending. his wife will not. which i was not suppried at. she is the one who is 'holding a gruge' against me. but MEH. her choice. now FH's brother and his wife have always been the 'poster' cuple. everything is done the 'right way' me and FH? anything but! 10 years between us, moved into gether, got engeged and now im knocked up. WOOO. this little thing from FH SIL...well lets just say she's gone down a few pegs in the minds of FH mum and dad. i guess i can smile because she, at 27 cannot seem to shut up and deal with me for 6 hours. support her husbund and his family. lord knows I DID at THEIR wedding.(and i ws 18 at the time...) so now we're waiting untill hopefully tomorrow when i'll see FH dad and find out if things have changed and get back to my mum and dad about numbers. but other then that we havent had much drama...other then the normal 'mum wants it this way...i dont' which the only time it happned i won cus i told her the neclace i wanted had HUGE sentamental value and i didnt want some shiney thingy i'd wear once. OHH and FH ring had to be exchanged twice and now re-sized...YAY!
so i may do another update closer again to the time...but we'll see...all i know is im starting to get excited now =-D