Where do I start?
We began our journey to Dallas on Thursday evening. It was Kelley's first time to fly, and so I tried to keep her calm by making fun of various people in the airport. We found this extremely emo boy that was heading to Baltimore. He kept looking at us, and one time he tried to come over to ask about a flight, but SO chickened out at the last second. Finally we boarded the plane for Houston, and our pilot was being a smart arse about it. "Don't you know there's a hurricane heading towards Houston? Are you crazy?" Apparently so. Thank you for reminding us. We arrived in Dallas extremely late, and my ears messed up cause of the excessive fluid I always have. My aunt picked us up, and I have never loved sleep more than that moment.
The next day, we headed into Dallas. We ate at this little cafe thingy in an office. Don't ask. And afterwards, we went to the Dallas Museum of Art. I was really amazed at the amount of Rodin they had there. Incredible works. I saw Monet, Manet, Burne-Jones (who my art history professor wrote this huge PAPER on), and a Calder mobile. I had always wanted to see Calder's work, and it was just breathtaking. The balance of the piece and the way it swayed were too wonderful for words. This older lady who worked there kept telling me these little facts about the pieces, and then my mother told her that I was an art student (gee, thanks). The older lady told me this, "You have to be bolder than a man. Don't ever tell them your techniques. Don't ever share with them your secrets. That's the only way you will succeed as an artist". You don't think she was bitter do you?
After the Museum, we went to the
Nasher Sculpture Center, and I then realized that I'm not too keen on sculpture. This was after we had paid $10. Some of the stuff was really interesting. Like the outside garden for example, but then the abstraction was downright boring. I just love detail. Abstraction bothers me.
After this we head home and get ready to go to Tree's which is in Deep Ellum. ha ha. My uncle thought we were crazy for going into that district, but he dropped me and my mom off anyway. Yes, my mom. Shut up. As we were waiting in line, this group of girls ended up behind us, and they were really nice. One of them liked Rilo Kiley and commmented about my shirt so this eased the tension. We started talking about Rilo, ACL, the Bravery, and she goes, "Oh man, the lead singer is sooooo hot! He oozes SEX!". To which I chuckled at the irony, because nearby there was a store that said Condom Sense. It had nothing to do with what was said or the fact that Sam is the epitome of sexyness but a reference to sex was made and there was a condom store nearby. It was funny. Okay, maybe not.
The doors were supposed to open at 8, but it was already 8:30, and so one of the girls went to ask about will call. She came back and said, "It's going to be a while. Some band called...Maximo...something canceled." I was like, "MAXIMO PARK?! No way. You gotta be kidding?! I flew all the way from Mississippi to see them." And that is when I almost cried. I was so dissapointed. Shocked at first. Then just angry, and now I wanna cry. I'm going through the stages of grief.
With that said, we were finally allowed in around 9ish. There was this crazy man with a long beard who checked my ID. He looked like a long lost member of Grateful Dead meets ZZ Top. Also, all the staff members at Tree's were wearing shirts that said "Staph" which made my microbiologist mother extremely giddy. "I gotta get a shirt like that." *shakes head* I followed my mom up to the second floor, because it was already crowded by the stage, but I soon found out that only 21+ could sit up there. If you were under 21, you could stand on the sides upstairs, but I'm short and that's not possible. The guy who was checking for minors came over by me, and I was hiding my Xs under my purse. He goes, "Let me see." And I'm like, "Hear me out. I'm not going to drink. I hate drinking. The bar is not open up here, and I'm scared of crowds." He's like, "Sorry. You can stand over there. You were pretty good though. You almost fooled me. Best I've seen yet." As if he was impressed or something. Weirdo.
We headed back downstairs, and I bought some merch. We decided to stand in a corner near the exit by this railing. I could see the stage pretty well during People in Planes. I didn't like their stuff at first, but when the guy broke out a tambourine he won me over. They were pretty decent. At times, the lead singer seemed a bit too eager to start. Check out their
My Space. You can hear "If You Talk Too Much" which was one of my favorites. They were from South Wales. They're going to be with the Bravery again in Birmingham and Memphis. haha...I get to see them again. Yay! I'm going to talk to them if I get a chance. I saw the lead singer afterwards, but he was already preoccupied by these star-strucked weirdos. Anyway, the lead singer asked if any fans of Maximo were there. Like all five us of were beyond thrilled, and he goes, "Yeah, they're not here". Thanks for reminding me.
It was at least 11:00PM by the time The Bravery came out. I told my mom they were going to utilize that time and pull 11:00 out of ther butts, cause since Maximo canceled every second counts. They came out, and of course every tall person there ended up in front of me. It got more crowded too, and I was squished up against this railing. So I was standing on my tippy toes when they came out. I could only see Mike H, Sam, and Micheal. No John at all. So wrong, and I saw Anthony's hand once. He did walk by me though while People in Planes were playing...Anyway, they were great! It was impressive to see them up close, because last time I was on a third floor looking at the top of their heads. I got the full stage presence and such, and I enjoyed it. The only thing I despised was this pot head that kept pushing up against me. He was trying to let these girls get by, and he would get all up in my space, and I would shove him off of me. He was like, "Oh, I'm sorry." Yeah dick, there's a person behind you. A$$. Then this other guy kept flicking his cigarrette ashes on me. Then he started smoking weed. Gah, I wanted to punch him in the face so bad. He would purposely get in front of me too when Sam was over on our side of the stage, cause he knew I was straining just for a glimpse.
So, aside from the drunkards and the crazy hoes, I had a good time.
Set List
Swollen Summer
No Brakes
Out of Line
Give In
Public Service Announcement
An Honest Mistake (Grinding Mexican shows up. That was scary.)
Rites of Spring
An Cat Dubh
The Ring Song
NEW SONG - Oh, glory! (I don't know if that's right. I have the hearing of an 80 year old, but Sam said, "Oh" something.)
Don't Change
Sam said his cousins were there, and his friend Phoebe. I think I saw his cousins, because these people with passes were standing behind me for a bit. They seemed to be the only sane people there.
When the set ended, we rushed outside, and I noticed I had a text from Kelley. She was standing near their bus. So, I look up, and FREAKIN' Mike Hindert is standing outside the bus. He looked straight at me too, but that was probably cause I am extremely short and with my mom. Also, I was excited I got a text. I ran past him, and I saw Kelley with my aunt and uncle. So, I jumped on her to create a scene. This just startled the drunkards in the parking lot. We waited by the bus for a while, but the guys never came out. This girl was passing out Bravery stickers, and everybody was throwing them on the ground so she just gave us the whole stack. Heck yes.
We bidded Tree's farewell, and walked by Lead Singer of People in Planes whose accent was quite nice. heh. Kelley was telling me about what went on before we came out. She said she could see some of the set, cause they had the doors open. When it was over, she saw Sam rush out toward the bus, and it was locked. He tried to open it, and was like, "DAMN! It's locked". The way Kelley says it is funny. She even did the stumbling around bit he's notorious for. She said Mike H tripped on a cup when he came out, and she laughed at him. She then said Micheal walked over near her, and he was checking his phone. So she went, *cough*MICHEAL!*cough*, and he looked up. She waved at him, and he gave her a grin with a wave. She is now in love with him. We have no quams about fangirlism. She said John was a fast walker, but I totally could beat him. People have compared my walking skills to that of professional mall walkers. That's right. Can't touch this!
We retuned to my aunt and uncle's place. I was tired and heartbroken.
Saturday, we went shopping. I stopped by Virgin Records and picked up the Like's album along with URB's issue of Franz. I was wearing my Bravery shirt, and this guy that worked there was like, "You know they're coming back right?", and I replied, "Yeah, with Depeche Mode. I saw them last night though." He's like, "OH! With Maximo?" And I got a little irrate, "Yeah...well Maximo didn't show up and I flew all the way from Mississippi to see them." He goes, "AW DUDE!!! That's horrible. You should e-mail them *does typing bit with fingers*". "OH! I SO AM!", I said. And he walked off. It was nice to share my feelings of dissapointment with someone who truly understood.
Sunday, we went to church, and I went to Old Navy where I bought two blazers (A paisley one and a black velvet one! CHA!) along with a skirt and a pair of jeans. I'm going to look hot when fall finally arrives.
Then we flew back home, and I'll spare you details. We saw the Bravery on that Motorola commercial in Houston, and Kelley wanted to see at least one band this weekend at the airport. So, I was kidding around with her. "OMG! KELLEY! THE BRAVERY??! They're here...." Kelley: "WHERE?!?!" Me: "On the television..." ha ha. It was beautiful. I was getting back at her for making fun of my excessive earaches. What a little punk.
So, I'm back home. A little more wiser. A little more jaded. Somewhat relaxed, but ready for stress. I'm excited about Birmingham and Memphis now. That should be fun.
But I'm not flying anywhere during hurricane season again.
I'll post the pictures later.