Characters: Iria, Dorothy
Location: Hospital, Barcelona, Spain
When: 26 April 198
Rating: G
I wonder, could he be here? Iria thought. Her heart was pounding when she asked the nurse in which room would she able to find a certain Dorothy Catalonia. She had just traveled from L4 to the Winner's home in Saudi Arabia in an attempt to look for her brother Quatre. She wanted to talk to him, to settle some family issues once and for all. A servant told her that he had gone off to Barcelona in Spain to visit a friend of his who had just given birth. And suppose he is here, what should I tell him? How do I start? Her heart started to beat more quickly than before and various thoughts were racing in her mind.
Dorothy relaxed in her hospital room. She had her own room-and a nice one at that. Of course, she expected no less from the hospital. She looked over at her new son sleeping peacefully in the bassinet. She wanted to pick him up and hold him. She knew she had to let him sleep, though, and she knew that soon enough she would give anything to have him sleep this soundly and this much. She should probably be getting her own rest, but she was too alert. There was nothing on television, so she turned to her books. Surely one would interest her. She looked over as she heard someone at the door.
"I am sorry. I know we don't know one another," Iria quickly apologized. "My name is Iria Winner and I happen to be one of Quatre's sisters. One of our servants has just informed me that he went here to visit you. I was hoping I would be able to find him here." Iria examined the young blonde and her baby boy then the room. No, he isn't here, Iria thought. Her heart started to beat slower and she began to feel more relaxed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done this. I shouldn't have gone here. Good day, madam," she apologized once again and turned to leave the room.
"You're Quatre's sister?" Dorothy inquired. New company was always welcomed. She was feeling particularly social at that moment, and Quatre had never revealed too much about his sisters. Curiosity got the better of her. "He was here just a few minutes ago. He left with my cousins. Stay if you want. He might be back. I'm Dorothy Catalonia." She held out her hand and held herself with as much dignity as she could muster in a hospital gown.
"Pleased to meet you, Ms. Catalonia," Iria said smiling. "I do hope you pardon my intrusion a while back." She reached for Dorothy's hand and shook it firmly.
"It's perfectly fine. I hope this isn't an emergency." Dorothy readjusted herself in her bed and gestured to an empty chair.
"Thank you," Iria said as she sat on the chair. "I was just hoping I could get to talk to him, that's all. It isn't really an emergency." Iria glanced at the young baby boy sleeping soundly in the bassinet. "Oh, isn't he a darling?" She smiled at Dorothy. "I suppose this is your son.... Oh! I remembered that I brought something for you." Iria brought out a small basket of fruits and placed them on the table beside Dorothy's bed.
Dorothy smiled. She was a proud mother already. "Yes, this is Daniel. Thank you; though as this is the first time we've met, you shouldn't have." Her eyes lingered on the babe for a moment before looking at her guest. "If I remember correctly, Quatre mentioned you're a doctor?"
"Yes, I am. I work at a public hospital in L4. I assist patients in the emergency room. It's a tough job but it's very rewarding," Iria replied. "I never knew Quatre mentioned about his sisters to his friends.... "
"He doesn't talk too much about his family or love life, but he did mention that," Dorothy explained. "I haven't pushed him too much because of the tension I sensed." She kept her eyes on the older woman.
"Yes, the last time I was able to talk to him was two years ago. I notice that he seems to be distancing himself from us. I feel that he still cannot get over Father's death," Iria replied quickly. She always felt uncomfortable whenever someone would bring up a topic concerning her family. "I didn't mean to give him the impression that I am upset with him or anything, but I hope that when I get a chance to talk to him, things would turn out all right."
Dorothy nodded. "A father's death is always hard." She quickly diverted her glance to Daniel. "I don't think Quatre feels that way. I'm sure things will turn out fine when you meet up with him." She retucked Daniel into his bassinet. "You...haven't been in contact with Quatre in two years?"
"Isn't it strange considering that we are part of the same family?" Iria tittered then her face became serious. "Yes, two years. The last time I saw him was when he came home from one of his missions on Earth and visited Father in L4. Actually, I haven't even heard anything from most of my other sisters ever since I entered college and that was, what, a long time ago! I lost contact with them. It's worse than that with Quatre, don't you think?" She sighed. "Well, that's how things go in our family..."
Dorothy nodded, resisting the urge to pick up her son. "The same is basically true in my family." She rested her hands in her lap. "Have you heard of habits?"
"Work habits...? I'm afraid not. What are these work habits that you speak of?" Iria asked and began to feel worried about her brother's condition.
"Rashid makes sure he doesn't work too hard," Dorothy assured. "He's hired an assistant to help him with his workload, even. I'll let him explain more of that, though." She took a sip of water.
"Well, he does take his job seriously, too seriously even," Iria sighed and slightly averted her eyes Dorothy and took a glimpse of the sleeping Daniel. Then, she jolted and once again fixed her eyes on Dorothy. "Oh, by the way, do you know when he'll be coming back to see you? I won't be staying here in Barcelona for too long, you see."
"He didn't give me a specific time. I would think within a couple days, though. He's quite taken with Danny," Dorothy explained. "I'm sure you have many obligations elsewhere, yes." Her eyes went to her son and noticed his stirrings. "Would you like to hold him?"
"Oh no, it's all right. He may want to sleep some more and I do not wish to disturb him." Iria shook her head and smiled. "I'm leaving for Andorra two days from now, and I thought that if I saw Quatre here, he may probably want to come with me and visit a few of our sisters living in that area. Well, you know, have a little family reunion."
Dorothy nodded. "He should be back before then, but if you happen to miss him, I can always tell him you came looking for him and point him over to Andorra. Have you been there many times before? The slopes are beautiful in winter and are excellent for skiing."
"Oh, yes, I've been there a lot," Iria quickly replied. "As a matter of fact, when I was a little girl, my family would always spend Christmas there. My sisters were able to purchase some estates near the Andorran border and they're rather ecstatic about me coming over and staying for a while. I'm excited about meeting my nephews and nieces and my brothers-in-law, too. It's the first time that I'll be seeing them." Iria paused and glanced at her watch then back to Dorothy. "I'll only be there for three days though. After that, I'm off to Scotland to visit Grandfather."
"It sounds like a very pleasant trip. I'm sure Quatre won't want to miss it, and if I have anything to say, he won't miss it." Dorothy noticed the glance. "If you need to leave, feel free. It's almost time to feed Danny anyway."
"Yes, I'm rather excited about the whole journey," Iria nodded then stood up and checked her purse. "Well, it was really nice meeting you. I am glad that Quatre has great friends like you. I'm sorry I have to leave this soon. I had a pleasant time chatting with you. Thank you so much, Dorothy! You and Daniel better take care of yourselves." She smiled at Dorothy.
Dorothy returned the smile. "Thank you. I hope you find Quatre soon. I think it would be very good for him to get into more contact with his family."
"Thank you for your kind words," Iria replied quickly. "Well, I hope we meet once again, Dorothy." She turned towards the door.
"Perhaps we shall," Dorothy said quietly, watching the woman leave. She settled back into bed for a moment before picking up Daniel.