Exciting and New!

Aug 28, 2006 19:36

You can now take a quiz to see how like me you are!

-le exciting-

How Jess Are Ya?

[] You have curly brunette hair.
[] You have an annoying inability to see without contacts or glasses.
[] You have eyebrows like Frieda Kahlo.
[] You’ve got nice nails, though.
[] You’ve many a war-wound from lost battles against your razor (which wants to kill you).
Score: 0/5

[] Your iPod has a very odd collection of music.
[] Musicals are sex.
[] People tend to believe you.
[] World’s largest collection of random facts? Right here.
[] You have an alias that you refer to yourself as online or whilst writing. Like Nota.
Score: 0/5

[] You view Eminiem as the scrawny anti-christ.
[] You often refer to yourself in the third person.
[] Your ass has awesome hypnotic superpowers. (Don’t ask.)
[] You could seriously use some ice cream right about now.
[] You’ve nothing better to do than create/take this quiz.
Score: 0/5

[] You have little feet.
[] Your friends are all insane.
[] Although you might be crazier…
[] Naw.
[] There is no u in honor. Ha. Take that King’s English.
Score: 0/5

[] You’re loyal as a gangster.
[] You can be a bit of a grammar Nazi at times.
[] You view Gypsy skirts as the one true style.
[] Well, you like jeans too.
[] Cold? It sucks.
Score: 0/5

[] You aren’t good with scary things. At all.
[] You have an odd laugh.
[] Every time the family eats tomatoes you point out that the Greeks thought tomatoes were poisonous as they are a member of the nightshade family. Every time.
[] You liked Prairie Dogs until you found-out that they carry plague.
[] You have ever wanted to sing/dance a fish slapping song.
Score: 0/5

[] You have a collection of fun quotes.
[] Your notebook must be with you at all times.
[] You have used said notebook as a weapon.
[] You love murder mysteries (books and TV shows).
[] You are too squeamish to hope to actually investigate a murder.
Score: 0/5

[] You have the best maniacal laugh this side of Neptune.
[] You still consider Pluto a planet.
[] You kind of wonder why Mickey Mouse named his dog after the Roman god of the Underworld.
[] You prefer ‘Charmed’ to the OC.
[] You are often exasperated with your peer group.
Score: 0/5

[] You know the difference between Budda and the Laughing God.
[] One of your most uttered phrases is, “No, I haven’t seen it, but I’ve read the book.”
[] You think comedy is vastly under-rated.
[] You still have Minnie Mouse ears.
[] You regret that they no longer fit.
Score: 0/5

[] You want a fedora for Christmas.
[] Of course, a brogue or a fez will do in a pinch.
[] You feel the need to nickname all of your friends.
[] You have many nicknames yourself.
[] You hate bananas with a passion.
Score: 0/5

Total Score: 0/50

Now multiply your Total Score by two. I am 0% Jess.
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