(no subject)

Feb 07, 2007 22:27

Character Information
Name: Abigail (call her Abby and die) Claire Morgan
LJ Username: (if available)
House: Slytherin
Age: 16
Birthdate: August 10
Year: 6th

Bloodline: Pureblood
Heritage: British
Personal History: Abigail was born in Wales, England to Harry and Marie Morgan. Her parents both come Pureblood descent which can be traced back a respectable length of time. They are followers of Voldemort; her father is a Death Eater, though Abigail does not know this for a fact. However, it would not surprise her nor upset her if this were ever confirmed for her.

She grew up an only child, as there were complications with her birth and her mother was never able to have any other children. She does not mind this, of course; she grew up the only child of wealthy, indulging parents, and she has never wanted for a single thing in all her life, because they bought her anything she ever asked for.

Because of this, her interests tended to shift a lot, towards whatever new, top-of-line toy came out for her age bracket. She's not incredibly bright or even all that clever, so her material things kept her happy as a child, moreso than anything going on in her mind.

Her parents also had the bad habit of not being nearly harsh enough on her -- and anytime they attempted to tell her no, she would throw a hissy fit. Instead of disciplining her to stop this action, as they should have, they would buy her whatever it was she wanted instead, simply to get her to stop her hissy fit.

It was no surprise, of course, when Abigail received her Hogwarts letter. It wasn't even really a surprise when she was sorted into Slytherin -- after all, where else would she have fit? She doesn't have the bright courage of a Gryffindor, or the hard-working loyalty of a Puff, or the intelligence of a Ravenclaw. Though her ambition may be different than that of others, however, she's got that in spades.

Personality: Abigail is, first and foremost, a bitch, and she doesn't care if the world knows it. She's a priss and a snob and she thinks that just about everyone is beneath her, and she doesn't care about the feelings of others or whether or not she hurts them. Actually, she'd rather prefer it if she did.

She likes messing with people. Nothing amuses her more than snarking at someone, or lying to them, and seeing them get worked up over it. She gets a kick out of being the nastiest person she can be to most people; and she really doesn't regret anything, ever. She doesn't really have any sort of conscious, which helps with the not regretting things.

There are, of course, certain people that Abigail sees as her equals or even betters (in some rare occassions). Though she wouldn't be as antagonistic towards these people, and would even be polite in her own sort of way, she still would not hesitate to make her opinions known, and her throw her thoughts out there. Especially since she doesn't really ever believe that she's wrong; and if someone thinks that she is, then they aren't seeing the world from the proper sort of viewpoint.

She is also very unlikely to take care of things herself. Abigail is used to the nitty and gritty of everything being done for her. That's what house elves are for, right? No need for her to do something so demeaning as housework or cooking or anything of the like. And when it comes to the dirty work of, say, getting back at someone or something along those lines? Well, she'd never do it by herself. Having someone at your back; that's all a part of how you appear to the world, too.

That is very important to Abigail; appearances. Oh, she doesn't care if people like her, but it matters to her that the people that matter -- in other words, the elitist Purebloods -- never have a reason to think that she is anything like anyone less than Pure. It's all about how she acts, and what she looks like, and the people that she associates with; and it's about those things for those people, as well. It doesn't matter how good of a friend she seems to someone, or how long she's known them; if it appears for even a second that they will make her look bad? She'll drop them without a second thought.

School has never been exactly important to Abigail. She gets marks good enough to get by, and that's about it (though she did pay special attention in Charms and DADA, just for the opportunity to be able to use it on people). You see, she has no plans to get a job and make a lot of money for herself when she grows up; that's what a husband is for. She has every intention of finding a proper Pureblood, rich enough to keep her in style, and marrying to him, regardless of love or any of that nonsense.

Physical Description: (include hair color, eye color, height, weight, and build at the VERY least) Abigail stands about 5'6". She's tall and thin, and rather flat -- not just in her breast area, but in her hips and such as well. Her hair is blonde and long; it's mostly straight, but it has a small bit of a wave to it that she can put to use if she feels like it. She has green eyes that she rather adores; her smile is mocking more often than anything else.
Preferred Body Model: (please include a link to an image) Amanda Seyfried

If this is your first character: Please give us a sample RP, at least one paragraph in length. n/a

Hobbies and talents - max of five:
1. Lying - Abigail is pretty good at knowing just what to say to piss someone off, and she lies all the time in order to be able to do it. Oh, being able to do it by telling the truth would work, too, but more often than not she ends up lying to someone, and doing it pretty well, just to see what will happen.
2. Socializing - As strange as this might seem for a strength, Abigail can look around her, pick out who she wants on her side, and start building a social network. She likes to know people, and she likes it even more when people know her.

Weaknesses - for every hobby or talent, the character must have two weaknesses:
1. Spoiled - Abigail has had everything in her life simply handed to her. She's never had to work a day in her life, and fully expects that she will never have to.
2. Bratty - Abigail is used to getting her way and to having people do things simply because she wants them to, and when this doesn't happen the way she expects, she can get very upset by it.
3. Shallow - Abigail very much cares about how people look, the people that they know, the background that they come from. Personalities take a backseat to these sorts of things, because she's very much about reputation, and how she appears. As in, she has to appear as though she is the best, in her own terms of what the best should be.
4. Lying - She'll lie about things just because she can. If someone asks her which way someone went? She'll point them in the wrong direction just to laugh about how long they might wander along without even questioning. Or tell some girl that she saw her boyfriend kissing some other girl, even if she saw no such thing.
5. Tactless - Though Abigail will lie about things just for amusement, she will not lie to protect anyones feelings. She will come out and say whatever she wants to say, at least to anyone she sees as below her.
6. Gossip - Yep, Abigail has a weakness for it. She loves knowing all the dirty details of everything that's going on -- and she doesn't mind resharing that information, either.
7. Airhead - For lack of a better way to state it. She's not stupid, exactly; but she's not the brightest person ever, and it's difficult for her to keep up in any theory-based class, and frankly, she just doesn't care. She's much better with something like Charms, that she can just do, because she never has and never will be one for studying or increasing her knowledge base. If this means she sometimes comes across as an idiot, then... oh well.

Best subjects - max of three: Charms, DADA
Worst subjects - no max: History of Magic, Astronomy, Herbology, Arithmancy
Broom: none (not that she couldn't have one if she WANTED, but she has no interest.)
Wand: 12" Cherry, dragonheartstring core
List of classes for current year: Charms, DADA, Transfig, Ancient Runes

Alignment: Pro-Voldemort, though whether or not she takes an active or passive role in the war after Hogwarts remains to be seen. Either way, her allegience is not at all likely to change.

