Player Information
Name: Tiger
LJ Account:
TigerZahn (main)
notabride (character)
Messenger: AIM = tigerzdki (are we sensing a theme yet?)
Current characters, if any: None. I hope to remedy that with this post.
Would you like to be paired with a member of our welcoming committee? Nah, I think I can get the gist of the firebolt of this place pretty well~ Thanks for asking, though!
In-Game Character Information
Name: Fa Mulan (last name, first name)
Series: Disney's Mulan
Age: 16
Personality: Mulan does not fit into any of the expectations of a sixteen year old girl nor that of a traditional Chinese one. She is brave, self-reliant, outspoken and romance isn't high on her mind - though she can appreciate the beauty of another individual.
In fact, the only part of Mulan that resembles a typical girl of her age and ethnicity is the fact that she is capable of incredible grace, honed late in her young life after a rather dangerous time. Around the same time, Mulan also honed skills fitting that of a warrior earning her proficiency with a sword, bow and arrow. She also acquired a decent knowledge of magic fused ofuda/paper talismans.
She does what is right, even if it's perceived as wrong and will go through any lengths to do so for those she cares about, even at her own expense. Those lengths coupled with Mulan's fear of disappointing her family and friends, has lead her to several self-loathing scenarios through-out her life.
Combining her knowledge of ofuda and charms, Mulan has created some rather ingenious pranks and new tactics for Defense Against the Dark Arts. Knowledge that she lets no one in on other than Jasmine, her best friend. All who ask just get a smile and distraction with another prank going off somewhere within the castle.
Despite her outspoken, brave nature and track record with detentions and pranks, Mulan isn't all tough words and strong actions. She is a rather intelligent, caring young girl, loyal to her friends and house. She often takes time to tutor the younger students in their studies if they so need it, sometimes the elder students when it comes to Defense.
Background: (Based loosely after the events of the first movie.)
Born to a pure blood Warrior of the Chinese Magical Defense Force and a pure blood Witch, Mulan Fa lived a rather simplistic and traditional life, though she is anything but. For most of her life, Mulan grew up at her spacious, well respected family home in China, learning magic from her father, mother and eccentric grandmother and playing in the companionship of her faithful dragon familiar, Mushu (who is totally not a small lizard!).
When the time came and a letter from Hogwarts arrived, Mulan was ecstatic to be free from the traditional confines and expectations of her family. Though somewhat afraid she wouldn't be accepted, Mulan needed not worry as she quickly became friends with another girl, Jasmine, in her age group and house. Life was going rather well for Mulan. At least, it seemed that way.
However, after returning home from Hogwarts for the summer after her fifth year, Mulan finds out her disabled father is to be summoned from retirement and into action the next morning. Angered, a small fight ensues between her and her traditional parents. As the rest of her family goes to bed full of anger and worry, Mulan keeps awake. Her father going to war was not an option, and with no brothers to speak of the only reasonable solution she saw was for her to go in his place.
Swiping a polyjuice potion from her grandmother's potion supply, Mulan disguised herself as her father and entered the war. As the ranks were depleted and her grandmother was an exceptional potion's mistress, her disguise went unnoticed. It was in the rather quick training for war that Mulan learned the ways of the sword, like her father before her, and the skills necessary for the use of the ofuda. Soon enough, she was deemed one of the more skilled, next to Shang, her captain, of her squad and they were sent to the front lines.
After a rather bloody battle, Mulan became injured and her disguise was broken. Left by her squad in what they thought was their ultimate victory, Mulan was the only one who saw that the war was still not yet over and heading towards the capital city.
Rushing to catch up, she bravely faced the opposing army with her squad and, ultimately, saved the Kingdom when all others had fallen. It was then that Mulan gained a great boost of self confidence at the praise she received for her actions from not only her family, but the Emperor and the Minister of Magic of China.
Deemed a living National Treasure by the Emperor and Minister of Magic, Mulan fought tooth and nail (with liberal use of the puppy dog eyes) to return to Hogwarts for another year. She was finally allowed to go, thanks to the support of her previous Captain, Shang, and with general warnings from her own nation to her Headmaster.
Despite her accomplishments, Mulan has kept hidden her previous activities from all but the headmaster and her best friend.
Blood: Full.
Preferred House: Gryffindor
Why you think they belong in this house? Mulan is a brave soul, who in place of her father during a mandatory call to arms as an warrior in the Chinese Magical Defense Force took his place using a polyjuice potion she swiped from her potions mistress of a grandmother at the mere age of fourteen. Despite getting found out and cast aside, she gathered up her courage and went after her fellow warriors to aid them in the battle they had not yet won. When she caught up with her senior officer and fellow warriors, they ignored her warnings and left her in the streets, alone. Once again, cast aside, Mulan gathered her courage and raced ahead to do something about the plot to kill the acting Chinese Minister of Magic. Unfortunately, she was too late to stop the kidnapping attempt but took charge of the quickly unfurling situation to help her fellow warriors end the threat once and for all. That part of her life alone describes how fitting she is to Gryffindor above all the other houses. Though, only the Headmaster and her best friend Jasmine know of this. She isn't a glory hound, after all.
School Year: Sixth
Quidditch Position: As awesome as Quaffles are, and as much as Mulan likes the sport, she has decided not to try out for the team.
Would you like the character to possibly get a higher position? N/A, and even if it was, though she's capable of assuming higher responsibility, I don't think she would.
Roleplay Samples
Journal Sample: (first person)
It's almost too good to be true - and Grandmother insists that it's all due to her lucky crickett - but I'm here. Back at Hogwarts for another year!
This year is going to be the best one yet, I think. No OWLs, for one, and NEWTs isn't until next year. Add to that the fact that I'm away from home and all of it's traditions and it couldn't be better! Not to mention, I learned some amazing new skills over the summer...
Which one should I practice first, I wonder... all are rather difficult to trace. Hm...
Roleplay Sample: (third person)
Mulan groaned as she fell into the first couch she came across in the Common Room. Barely back at Hogwarts for five minutes and already the Slytherin's were trying to start trouble. It wasn't as if they were all bad, but some - like that Sharpay girl - were just infuriating!
At least she found her first prank victim. Who said that no one ever volunteered for anything anymore? Maybe the statement only applied during classes...
Reciting spells underneath her breath, Mulan pulled gently on her best friend, Jasmine's, long braid in attempts to distract the girl from her own journal. When Jasmine was focused on something, she was focused. Mulan couldn't fault her - not too much, anyways - she was the same way after all.
"Ready yet?",she asked, trying to keep the pleading tone out of her voice. It was a useless attempt.