"and it is quiet except for the heave of a passing truck, and it is the sort of night where I will try to sleep with good intentions for myself, starting in the morning."
That sounds more than a little familiar
I just don't like things being done and over
Like 2009 has actually been a good year for me but nonetheless it's over and everything's been decided; this is what this year has been and now I can't change it and make it about something else even if I wanted to
But I do this every year
Still there's always the idea of starting some things over and looking at the world through fresh eyes, I suppose
Comments 46
that makes us put meaning
into objects and dates.
We could be mathematically pedantic and protest twenty-ten's being a new decade, if you'd like
(I'm not ready, either)
except for the heave of a passing truck,
and it is the sort of night
where I will try to sleep
with good intentions for myself,
starting in the morning."
That sounds more than a little familiar
I just don't like things being done and over
Like 2009 has actually been a good year for me but nonetheless it's over and everything's been decided; this is what this year has been and now I can't change it and make it about something else even if I wanted to
But I do this every year
Still there's always the idea of starting some things over and looking at the world through fresh eyes, I suppose
haha too true
"Still there's always the idea of starting some things over and looking at the world through fresh eyes, I suppose"
Lather, rinse, repeat? God, we people do love reinvention, don't we
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