Sanji's attack moves

Mar 05, 2010 22:55

Body part hits
Collier [Shoot] - collarbone kick
Epaule - shoulder
Poitrine - breast
Selle - lower back
Basses cotes - spare ribs
Cotelette - ribs
Longe - loin
Tendron - cartilage
Flanchet - flank
Cuisseau - rump
Queue - tail
Cuisse - leg
Gigot - also leg
Jarret - shin
Oeil - eyes
Nez - nose
Joue - cheek
Bouche - mouth
Dents - teeth
Menton - chin
anything Bar-be-cue - launching the target from that body part into the nearest wall

Mouton Shot - uppercut kick from low stance (makes him upside down)
Veau Shot - high center kick (from planted leg or flying - finishing move)
*note that against Absalom, it was a multi-strike move
Reception - using his leg to hook around the neck and body-slam the opponent into the ground (a trap or throw move)
Party Table Kick Course - handstand whirling kick
Anti-manner Kick Course (finishing move - kick upward from below/beneath)
Brochette - spinning one-legged drill (means "skewer" - his legs form a piercing drill)
Frite Assortie - handspring into a kick
Air Force/Armee de L'aire - launching a comrade into the air
Escalope - aerial jump-kick to the head
Concasse - aerial spinning (like somersault) to bring a foot down onto the head
[against Wanze]
Parage Shoot - sharp heel strike "to trim" - this is the finishing move of his plastic surgery strategy (against Wanze and Duvall)
Decoupage (to cut) - multi-strike finishing method
[against Jyabura]
Troiseme Hachis (Third-grade minced meat) - overhead vaulting kick
Deuxieme Hachis (Second-grade minced meat) - two-leg jump kick
Premiere Hachis (First-grade minced meat) - two-leg aerial kick (possibly more power than deuxieme)
*he does not have the use of Diable Jambe in the City

Houchou Sabaki - a special method for handling and caring for knives
Epluchage - the onion-peeling move done with knives

Also reference:

ooc, cnc

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