"Bonjour, vous avez atteignez Jean-Paul Beaubier. Je suis évidemment pas ici maintenant, autrement je vous néglige. Si ceci est n'importe qui a affilié avec les X-Men, aller de l'avant et raccrocher maintenant. Si ceci est Aurora, Jeanne-Marie, ou n'importe qui d'autre dans la tête de ma soeur, essayer mon téléphone de cellule."
There was a pause long enough one might think Jean-Paul was going to leave the caller to puzzle it out whether they spoke French or not, then,
"Hello, you've reached Jean-Paul Beaubier. I'm obviously not here right now, or else I am ignoring you. If this is anyone affiliated with the X-Men, go ahead and hang up now. If this is Aurora, Jeanne-Marie, or anyone else inside my sister's head, try my cell phone."
((French translation provided by freetranslation.com and therefore not guaranteed to be anything like accurate. Assistance in making it moreso provided by