ONGOING NOTES from DW season 4

Apr 19, 2008 19:30

Because fuck me if I'll actually remember half the important stuff. HUGE, MONUMENTAL, GIGANTIC SPOILERS FOR DOCTOR WHO SEASON FOUR.

1: Partners in Crime

ADIPOSE (bring them to Camp!)
The Doctor and Donna's decidedly non-USTish relationship. "I JUST WANT A MATE." "WELL YOU'RE NOT MATING WITH ME, SONNY."
Mentions of Martha. WASTED OPPORTUNITY of Martha. The Doctor's loneliness.
ROSE - series link. Rose is returning. (does this tie in with the Doctor's death as mentioned in episode three?)
SHADOW PROCLAMATION. Why is this being mentioned again?

2: The Fires of Pompeii

FUCKETY FUCK FUCK. It's Volcano Day.
The Doctor done Pompeii - choosing to kill off Pompeii as opposed to allowing an entire planet to be enslaved.
"I see all that is, all that was, all that will be. That's the burden of the Time Lords. And I'm the only one left."
Doctor's acceptance of responsibility THANKS to Donna. Admitting that he needs someone with him.

3: Planet of the Ood

Development of the Doctor's telepathic ability - or at least some clarification. He can hear the 'song of enslavement' as sung by the Ood where none of the humans can. He can also make Donna hear it, apparently by touching her.
-"Would you like to stay here? There's room in the song for you."
-"I ... kind of have my own song, thanks."
-"I think your song will be ending soon."
Overshadowing Doctor's potential death/erasing of his existence as spoilered in the Sun etc? Perhaps REGENERATION. Could be linked to the return of Rose to her original universe in episode one.

4: The Sontaran Strategem/5: The Poison Sky

Donna: "So you turned her into a SOLDIER?" DOCTOR'S RELATIVE EMPATHY WITH LONELY GENIUSES. Doctor could immediately tell that the Martha that appeared to him was a double. RELIANCE ON DONNA. She just keeps on changing/saving him. THE VALIANT! "Are you my mummy" line. Medusa Cascade reference. Doctor's relative respect for the Sontarans?

Dying to give the Sontarans a chance to have a choice.

6: The Doctor's Daughter

Jenny. The Doctor's ABSOLUTE RELUCTANCE to accept her as a Time Lord. Shadow of a Time Lord, echo indeed. Clinging onto the fact he's the only one after being burned by the Master perhaps? General reconciliation. DONNA'S INFLUENCE AGAIN. Also her cleverness in working things out while the Doctor's focused on his Issues. Effect of Jenny's death on the Doctor.


7: The Unicorn and the Wasp

Oh crack. Oh beautiful crack. The Doctor meets Agatha Christie and gets to play at being Hercule Poirot for forty minutes basically. DONNA'S CONTINUAL CLEVER. And she again has to step in and save the situation (Doctor's losing his touch?)

Doctor can imbibe and expel cyanide! With the help of salt. And something else. And a shock. I shall rewatch this later for funnies. The Doctor and Donna snog in this in like the least romantic way possible, but their bond is just lovely. I do not ship them but I love them together ♥

8 I don't know the name of because I haven't looked but it looks like a fun library sort of thing.

... tbc as aired

canon notes

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