Out of everything she experienced in the last two years when it revolved around the Doctor, this was certainly one of the hardest things. The time that ranked the first was technically a dream and she never experienced it along side of him, but how it weighed her down must of made it count for something. She could make all the comparisons in the world, but she wouldn't. It was enough of a burden to know she caused John to suffer for over a century.
At some point she had moved to her lab from her office. The middle section of the lab would raise up and down to visit the various floors, but she left it on the top level for now. The small set of stone staircases made it so no one had to use the elevator to visit her. Besides it being where most of her medical supplies were, it was away from the special habitats.
Her fingers tapped on the metal desk as she looked through the microscope. It was for a patient, of course, studying her biology further in order to find out the best way of treating her. Helen had been working with her for a week or so now, and didn't see why she should put the work on hold while Theodore was there. It was up to him whenever he was ready to have the examination.
Even though she already knew what she'd find.
Helen was still waiting on the information from River, but didn't want to rush the woman. She had spent the last four months with Theodore. She needed, no deserved, a break more than anyone.