Yeah, from now on my journal will (officially) be "Friends Only". I say officially 'cause I haven't posted really interesting public entries in ages, and well, I really wanna keep my crazyness *whistles* as private as possible hehehehe. Well, if you wanna be added, please leave me a comment :). I'll post some little things about myself tho.
Comments 14
I've seen you too in the anascully profile too.
I also love House and Bones and write my own personal madnes^^
But that one is writen in spanish because of I'm from spain xD And because of that this comment mabey had a lot of mistakes but I do what I can *promised* ^^ (the two "E" in the words be and friend from the first sentences aren't mistakes^^ It was because of the thriller^^ No, actually it was for my insanity^^)
I hope not to afraid you^^ (and I also hope you can understand me :p)
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