Title: The Only One
Rating: PG
Word Count: 365
Summary: Harry comes face to face, literally, with a rather interesting change.
Notes: Sexual reference and angst. It was fun to write and I like snarky!Draco alot. Also for
15pairings Prompt: 7. up close and personal and
mission_insane Themed Table - Saucy: 01 Kiss
The Only One )
Comments 2
someone came asking for any Draco/Harry set at 100quills, and because you haven't posted to 100quills since January I'm quite tempted to give your 100.4 table to them. However, then I noticed that you had updated about it to your own journal. So... If you post this (or some other fic) to the community within the next three days, I'll let you keep this, but if you don't, I'll consider it abandonded and give it to the next claimer. Sounds okay? :)
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