[| - Plot Request & Permissions - |]

May 24, 2011 20:31

~ ★ ~
★ Backtagging: Feel free~<3

★ Threadhopping: Mn-hmn~ Go for it~<3

★ Fourthwalling: Well, providing it follows the rules...

★ Canon puncture: In-world, yes. Meta, no.

★ Offensive subjects (elaborate): Hiro's pretty unflappable.

~ ★ ~
★ Hugging this character: Unless you're suffocating him, don't expect much of a reaction, but, feel free.

★ Kissing this character: You can try? The result will be different, depending upon whether or not you're a friend, so, don't be shocked if he dodges.

★ Flirting with this character: Sure, Hiro's pretty used to it. Just don't expect him to be receptive of advances. Do expect him to flirt back just for the heck of it.

★ Fighting with this character: There are a select few situations in which Hiro will raise a fist. Ask first.

★ Injuring this character (include limits and severity): This really depends upon the situation. Feel free to ask, though~

★ Killing this character: Hmn, well, he'd really rather not die. It seems awfully dramatic, doesn't it~?

★ Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Haha~! Yes, please~! On one condition, though: you must select the thought from his list of mind-bogglingly boring passages. It's in the name of humour simply how he is. You must understand~

★ ~
♬♫~ PLOT REQUEST ~♬♫★ Have a plot that you want Hiro included in? Excellent~! <3

Just tag this post, and either Hiro or I will get back to you as soon as either of us is able. <3
 ~ ★ ~


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