♠ Additional info and Permissions ♠
♠ Basics
Name: Lieutenant Helga Sinclair
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Movies/Series: Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Year or position: Staff
Non/Speaking Animal/Companion (is applicable):
Powers (if applicable): N/A
♠ In-Depth:
Personality: Helga, at her very core, is a treasure hunter.
She feels no shame in admitting it, even takes a sort of pride from the idea. Sentimentality and "historical signifigance" mean little to her. Their only value is in driving up the price of whatever artifact she's attempting to auction off. A dying token to a child or a religious tribute are worth far more than a piece of cast off jewelry. Helga is all about the bottom line. If she doesn't come out on top, she isn't in.
However, for all her mercenary tendencies, Helga is a good lieutenant. She follows the orders of her commander, so long as she feels that the person she is following is competent. She also takes her crew as her personal responsibility. She doesn't always see them necessarily as individuals, but she feels their safety reflects on her and her abilities, so she will go to great lengths to protect them. She is capable of genuine affection, but she has difficulty expressing them, and often her forms of reaching out can be seen as pushing people away. It can be very difficult to tell the difference between an insult and a teasing remark when they come in the almost exact same sarcastic tone.
Helga is proud and more than a little greedy. She generally refuses to admit when she's in over her head, and she will take almost any risk if the payoff is great enough. She has what many would consider a skewed sense of reward. For money or solid rewards, she's willing to risk life and limb. However, if the reward is intangible ("doing the right thing," for one), she is generally one of the first to wash her hands of a task.
Helga is very hands-on. Rather than tell someone how to do something, she would prefer to walk them through it, step by step. Not just showing them, but forcing their hands through the right movements or the like.
Canon Background:
Supplemental timelineAU Background: Helga's survival of the volcano rests on one simple fact: her crew was populated by people morally better than her.
Rather than leaving Helga to die at the base of the volcano, Dr. Sweet used his Atlantean vehicle to grab Helga, and Milo kept the Atlanteans from killing her for her crimes. She returned to the surface with the others.
A short while after the "briefing" of the others on the story of the voyage, Whitmore pulled Sinclair aside and offered her a sealed letter-- an invitation to teach at Disney Academy. He also made it clear to Helga that if she didn't accept the position and manage to keep it for at least a year, she had no job or house to return to. If she could prove herself in a new environment, however, he would finance a foray back into the treasure hunting game... Either with finding her a crew to serve or building one of her own.
Classes: Advanced Physical Education, Marksmanship
Clubs: N/A
Best Subject: N/A
Greatest Fear: Helga's greatest fear is helplessness.
Helga is an independent woman, even when working as part of a unit or under a superior officer. She can take orders and follow them to the letter, but if she cannot take care of herself and her own, she will fight a situation. Overwhelming odds are not too frightening for her, but being unarmed, injured, and completely at even one person's mercy is a thought she tries not to entertain often.
How long have they been at the school: Oct.
Has your character been enrolled at the school before? Do they remember it? No, no.
Relationships with other characters: CR chart coming
♠ Permissions
Kissing/hugging/etc: Ask.
Injuries: Ask.
Killing: Ask.
Mindreading/memory wiping/etc.: Ask.