Aug 01, 2007 15:51
Lothar exited the airlock and started to rummage around the ship.
"What are you doing" asked Captain Wong.
"Oh yeah, I forgot you were here.." And then ran down to general storage.
for the next hour or so, Lothar was in and out of the ship a bunch of times, setting up a clock here, a camera or two there, and then he repaired the view screen in engineering closest to the computer.
Looking around, he figured everything was set, so he walked over to the clock next to the computer core and set the time. He immediately walked into the airlock and was outside the ship again.
four minutes later the alarm went off and the computer booted up.
Another minute passes and Lothar's image comes up on the view screen. "I am so going to get you Captain Wong!!!!!!" screamed Lothar.
The computer started humming, taking inventory of its new surrounding and figuring out what it had at its disposal.
It only took a couple of mille-seconds for the core to fire up the large rear-facing nacelles and exit the system at high warp away from Lothar.
Outside the ship, Lothar was screaming in pure glee as he was Warp-surfing behind the Surak's Razor...
"Time to change directions!" He pointed a remote control at the gravity plating on the Asteroid and Lothar moved 20 degrees starboard. The computer core registered this changed and began to change its direction to the fastest exit vector way from Lothar effectively making a hard right turn! "WWWOOOOOOOHHHHHHOOOOOOO!!!!!" yelled Lothar as the sped their way to Starbase 668 at high warp.