Giant Character Survey: Salkia-Based PART 4

May 05, 2010 01:40


What is their normal daily routine?

-On Salkia it's something to the tune of, wake up (or continue to be awake since his sleeping pattern is so, so messed up), take a shower, go to work, make sure there's no chaos going on, go home, spend time with family (Yuuki, Yuugi) or loved ones (Kaiba), go to bed (or continue to stay up because...). Repeat over and over.

How do they feel and react when this routine is interrupted for some reason?

-When it is that usually means trouble. He hates trouble. He hates cleaning up trouble, but he always will because that's what he does.

What are their hobbies?

-Doing puzzles, playing games, reading. Saving the day. You know.

What would they do if they had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse themselves?

-Ahah. That's really funny considering he goes days without sleep. At night sometimes he'll do puzzle books that he's bought from the bookstore. Sometimes he really can go all night just inside his head with his thoughts, sometimes he prays, sometimes he writes in his journal (especially recording important things or events). Sometimes he hangs out with Kaiba because that guy never sleeps either.

What do they do for relaxation?

-Praying is actually pretty relaxing to him at times. Sometimes he'll go for a nice, long walk if it's really necessary. Sometimes playing card games or chess against himself is a good relaxer, too.

What things do they do for enjoyment?

-Games, puzzles, hanging out with loved ones.

Do they like to dress up or down to relax?

-Atem is very comfortable in his leather and chains. He doesn't need to change to get relaxed.

Do they have a look or style?  If so, describe it.

-By other outsiders it's been called quite a dominatrix\masochistic look. Leather is the key to most of his outfits; leather pants and tank tops with leather shoes. He loves bracelets and bands (either on his upper arms or wrists), chains or a choker around his neck, chains or his usual double belt look around his hips (and his deckbox on one of those belts). If it's cold he'll sometimes wear the school jacket or various other sweaters/coats. And always with the Sennen Puzzle around his neck.

What do they normally wear in bed at home?

-It's rare that he really chooses to go to bed on his own. So much so that when he does pass out or fall asleep, it's with someone (usually Kaiba) and usually after doing something (talking works too, get your mind out of the gutter). So sometimes he really just falls asleep in his clothes. But he will at least take off his shoes and puzzle.

Do they wear any identifiable jewelry?

-Back in Egypt he couldn't be seen without his leg\arm bands of gold, his gold choker or his crown. Now he's got his leather cuffs and bands, chains- he is always seen with the Puzzle though (last life and this one).

Where do they normally put their weapons, magic items, or other valuables when they are sleeping?

-Next to him on the bedside table.

What morning or evening routines do they normally have?

-Always a shower in the morning, after which he'll get dressed and apply his kohl. Night time is just do whatever due to being unable to sleep.

What pastime (that they participate in regularly) gives them the most enjoyment?

-Games, Duel Monsters being on top of everything else.

What pastime (that they participate in regularly) gives they the least enjoyment?

-I'd say being depended upon gets really tiring after a while. Since he was a leader I guess it counts as a pastime?

Do they read the newspaper?


If so, which sections and how often?


Travel: how do they get around locally?

-On Salkia the only way to get around is to walk, really. In Domino he's been driven places, taken ships and been flown places. In Egypt he either walked or rode a horse.

What is their idea of a good evening's entertainment?

-Depends on his mood, really. If he's feeling like being a loner he can curl up and solve puzzles all night and be fine. But sometimes he does like to indulge and have a night with his friends.

Do they get seasick, airsick, motion sick (auto or animal)?


Do they like riding animals?

-He really does enjoy riding horses.

Any fears in traveling?

-None that he's ever displayed.

What sorts of general belongings or equipment do they take when traveling?

-...traveling to where?

What are their hangout places?

-On Salkia he's either at his apartment, his place of work, the arcade, or the mall.

Do they go to a bar after work?


Do they play pool?

-No. But if he were introduced to the game I'm sure he'd really enjoy it.

Do they go dancing? Who goes with them?

-No. N/A.

What do they read? Scientific textbooks, historical novels, myths and legends, maps, cookbooks, romances, news magazines, science fiction, fantasy, horror, the newspaper, short stories?

-If he ever has an interest in anything it's catching up on what he's missed. Kaiba had him reading some Nietzsche a while ago.

What music do they like?

-Sometimes soft tempos. But he's been known to shake his hips a little at hot blooded beats.

Do they have a favourite artist, band or bard?


Will they listen to or sing the same songs over and over, or does it drive them nuts when people do that?

-I'm sure that he could.

How do they exercise?  Work out at the gym, walk in the morning, run marathons, play sports, couch potato?

-Atem doesn't really exercise all that much. Back in Egypt he trained physically. Now the most he'll do is go for a run sometimes.

Where do they live?

-Wherever Kia decides.

Do they rent or own?


Apartment, house or castle?

-On Salkia either an apartment or a house and it changes. Back in Egypt he owned a palace.

How close are the neighbors?

-Depends on who he's given as his neighbors.

Is it a good neighborhood?

-Well that depends really..

What colour is the house?

-Salkia colored?

Which floor are they on?

-Again, depends.

Do they have a lawn?


What about a flower garden?

-He probably would if he could, a really hetero man flower garden. But since his scenery is changing all the time he can't. So he enjoys his work at the shop. His mother used to own a very large garden on the side of the palace. He tended to it after she died.

Does their house have an attic or basement?


What does their furniture look like?

-Whatever Kia decided was cool that day. He doesn't go shopping for extras.

Do they buy antiques?


What are their walls covered with?  Wallpaper, art, photos?


What sorts of curtains do they have?  Frilly lacy ones, Venetian blinds, pull-down shades?

-Whatever Kia thought was awesome. Probably frilly lace.

Do they keep their house clean?

-Yes. He really does like for things to be clean and tidy.

Is it dusty?


Is the bathtub moldy or coated in rust?

-Absolutely not!

What do their desk or workspace look like? Small and cramped, huge and expansive, covered in drifts of books and papers? Neatly ordered and clean?

-He has a desk in his room that's covered in various books and papers. Most of which are puzzle books or scribbling. His journal is somewhere there too if he's sitting around.

Can they find what they're looking for when they need it?


What colour are their sheets?

-Probably dark red or something.

Satin or cotton?

-Obviously satin.

Patterned with flowers, or covered with pictures of toy robots?


Do they cook their own dinners?

-Ahah, no. Usually he'll buy prepackaged food.

Are they a good cook, a gourmet, or a terrible cook?

-Maybe he'd be good at it if he really tried but as of right now he's kind of awful.

Do they eat out?


Are they on a diet?


Where do they vacation, and how often?

-No vacations ever!

Do they have any pets?

-A kitten (who's probably more of a cat considering he got her a year ago). Her name is Mana, after one of his best friends.

Do they keep a calendar or address book?

-A calendar.

Where do they keep it?

-On the wall, probably above his desk.

Do they have a Will?


What does it say?

-Although not having one, he did have last wishes to be carried out before his death in Egypt 3,000 years back. A lot of prophetic stuff, like scraping his name off of every wall, painting, etc. And also making sure that the Sennen items were never found again. Whoops on that one.


What would they like to be remembered for after their death?

-He didn't say as much, but he probably would have liked to have been known as a good leader. That was kind of hard to do with all the mysteriousness surrounding him though and the fact that he wasn't allowed to keep his name.

What kind of threat do they present to the public?

-The general public? None at all, really.

If their features were to be destroyed beyond recognition, is there any other way of identifying their body?

-Well that's really morbid. I'd say his hair would give him away but that's a feature right? Well maybe his crimson eyes if you opened them. Otherwise he'd be draped in leather and chains- oh and his deck would most likely be on him. That would be a very good indicator.

How much is a pint of mead?

-A pint. (What kind of question is this....)

As a player, if you could, what advice would you give your character? Speak as if he/she were sitting right here in front of you. Use proper tone so they might heed your advice...

-Uh. Stop being so serious all the time! Calm down a little. Take time to enjoy the little things. You’re a good guy. Don’t get so down on yourself all the time. You have lots of people that love you!

survey, atem, salkia, questions

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