Name: Anya
Email: eclipsingmoon@gmail.com
IM: usually don't use any. *shifty*
Your LJ: none
Name: Jack Harkness
Canon: Doctor Who/Torchwood
note_thestripesCharacter & Media Information:
Jack Harkness via TARDIS wiki
Character Perception:
Jack Harkness is truly larger than life. He lives by his own rules and damn anyone who stands in his way. He's lived too long, seen and done too much, to change anything about himself. In the end, though, it's these aspects that make him a natural born leader. Jack likes being the one people look up to, and he is one who always leads from the front (and not just because he makes decent cannon fodder either), and doesn't expect his team to do anything he wouldn't do. He does, however, expect them to not do most of the things he does. (Do as I say, not as I do tends to be Jack's motto of choice.) It's no surprise that Jack prefers to lead, having taken for his alias a man who was a captain in the Royal Air Force.
Jack is a rogue at heart, no matter how he has tried to suppress his old lives, particularly when he worked as a con man. He has been known to lie, cheat, and steal on more than one occasion to achieve the ends he needs. The con man, however, is from another life and Jack firmly believes his past is simply that: his past. He tends to keep his past at arm's length, it's only ever come back to bite him in the arse.
The one thing Jack is, is loyal -- perhaps to his fault. He has remembered every person (and alien for that matter) he has ever loved, ever killed and ever worked with. His feelings of loyalty are deep seeded and he would die for any member of his team -- figuratively speaking, of course. Jack mentions in the episode 'Adam' in regards to the man who inserted himself into their memories: "All I know is that when I think of my team, I see you there, but I don't feel anything for you. No pride, no warmth ... " For Jack, his team comes first.
Unless the Doctor calls. Then, all bets are off.
Timeline: At some point during the break between S2 and S3.
Ticket: The Twenty-First Century is where everything changes... and you're not ready.
• Webley Mark IV revolver and holster
• Leather vortex manipulator
• RAF issue Elgin Watch (black face)
• Keys of various sorts (including a TARDIS key) that fit the cells and other locks in the Hub.
• Psychic Paper
• Wallet with about 40 quid in it and various bank cards
• Brown leather belt
• RAF Greatcoat
• Mobile phone and other hands-free coms that are Torchwood issue
Additional Notes: A, Jack was held for me. B, I've discussed what I'd like to do given Jack's massive history with the mods. C. As for shipping preferences, I am a Jack/Ianto shipper and he's in a place where he's with the other man (at least where he's been pulled from canon-wise), but that doesn't mean there can't be flirting and the like. Cheers.
Role Play Sample:
Jack ran a hand through his hair and stared at the piece of paper in his hands. It had appeared on his desk earlier that day and Jack could only assume it had been yet another thing to filter through the rift. He kept trying to ignore the sinking feeling in the pit of his tomcat. Had he gotten the note at any other time Jack would have pushed it aside without a second thought. However, getting it out of his mind was another thing entirely as it was hitting far too close to home.
Jack turned the paper over in his hands, muttering the message under his breath: 'The twenty first century is when it all changes... and you're not ready'. Well, Gray had made that abundantly clear when he had nearly wiped out Jack's team. For all his bravado and all his ego, Jack still wasn't ready to take care of the world and protect it. Hell, Jack was even beginning to question his position as defacto leader of Torchwood. Maybe things truly had been better when Gwen had led the team.
Just because he couldn't die didn't mean that everyone else could escape things unscathed... a hard lesson Jack had been taught once more. Whenever he had his life perfectly figured out, something came along to fuck it up.
Whoever had sent the note was right: they weren't ready for whatever was coming.
In other words, Jack was going to heed the note and he was going to find a way to get ready for the twenty-first century. At least this time, he was kind enough to leave a note for his team (such that they were) before he set off on his next adventure. At least this was a helicopter ride. It wasn't like he was going to be spirited off to some unknown place and held there against his will.