tHeSe DaYs;
EvErYoNe Is DePrEsSeD; nO oNe CaReS aBoUt YoUr PeRsOnAlItY aNyMoRe.
ThErE aRe FeW sOnGs WiThOuT cUsS wOrDs;
YoU bRiNg Up ThE lOrD && pEoPlE lOoK @ yOu WeIrD
yOu StAnD uP fOr SoMeOnE && gEt CaLlEd A bAd NaMe.
&& ThE tYpE oF cLoThInG yOu WeAr DeScRiBeS yOu.
HoW mUcH mOnEy YoU hAvE gIvEs YoU yOuR pOpUlArItY
eVeRyOnE bReAkS eAcH oThErS hEaRtS
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