Back in the Big Sleazy, as Spillogical so aptly put it. Still haven't unpacked . . . ohhhhh I hate it so.
On the upside, Nancy Drew and the Case of the Random Ass Phone call has finally been solved. It was my upstairs roomie and apparently some others.
Someone left me a message on my phone tonight about average penis size. Not the benefits and/or flaws therewith, asking me (I think) what it was. I have no idea who the person was, other than they were female. Sorry I didn't recognize you, whomever you are. On the off chance, however, that it's someone who would read this, here goes:
The answer is approx. 6" in length (give or take a half inch, depending on whom one's expert is), though girth is a bit more tricky, as there's not really a standardized methodology of measurement. Personally, I used to be a fan of the diameter measurement, as it could be done with a straight ruler or anything of a known length that was handy, but, given variations in penile shapes, I feel the most accurate measurement is circumference. If one doesn't have a tape measure handy, a piece of 8.5 by 11 paper should do for approximation purposes. If one wants accuracy and still would like an easy-to-grasp width, than circumference divided by pi equals diameter, assuming one is measuring a perfectly circular cock. I have no idea how the conversion would work for your more elliptically shaped dicks. One should also bear in mind that the head of many a penis tends to be wider than the shaft, so watch where you measure. From what I understand, 1.5" in diameter is the average girth. It's important to note that the vaginal canal is nigh on nerveless after the first third anyway, so length really doesn't matter for gals unless you get your jollies by getting your cervix bumped; most women consider width to be more important than length. And for the penis-in-butt side of things, as long as the penis in question is long enough to rub the prostate, it should theoretically be fine. I've yet to read a survey on width preferences among those practicing anal sex (though I'm sure one exists), but I imagine general sentiment would align on the side of nothing wider than could comfortably fit with a modicum of patience and some Astroglide.
Going back to length, any discussion of averages tends to bring up enlargement possibilities. As a preemptive measure, the only tried and true penile enlargement method is surgical, though a few F-to-M transsexuals have had some success enlarging the clitoris into a sort of mini-dick (2ish inches) with pumps (think Austin Powers), but these can cause loss of sensation, gangrene (I don't know how either), and all sorts of other nasties, as well as being originally developed for erectile dysfunction, not enlargement. Surgical options for length involve snipping the ligaments that essentially attach the penis to the pubic bone. Though this can add up to two inches to the member in question, it also results in a downward pointing erection as the penis now has nothing to grip. Also, the surgery can damage nerves. Girth stuff usually involves the injection of collagen or fat into the penis, causing a temporary increase in width. This can result in a lumpy penis though, as the fat is reabsorbed into the body. Essentially the idea is to love whatever you've got and learn to work with it. If you'd like to look at a bunch of penises (Penii?) to compare or out of boredom or simple curiosity, and have a good pop-up blocker, you can try as a sampling. It's like hotornot for dicks.
It's just what I posted a week or two ago, so if you remember that, I wouldn't bother. I'm really, really gonna try not to post until I've finished my thesis. But I'll be responding to others and jazz, so don't be afeard of the temporary radio silencio. Back to work . . .