permissions † general

Aug 10, 2011 18:34


TRIGGERS. Caroline was murdered by Katherine Pierce when she was human. She was injured in a car accident, fed Damon Salvatore's (another vampire) blood in order for her to heal faster as her wounds were severe, and was murdered by Katherine after her surgery. She was smothered with a pillow while lying on her hospital bed, so any pillows being brought up to her face will trigger her.

EXITVOID: Caroline's coming in post-torture (3x03) so I imagine she will be triggered slightly by sunlight, having blood bags in front of her, and being tied up and/or locked in a cage.

ZODION: Caroline has been tortued prior to her canon point by werewolves. She may be triggered by being locked in a cage and being pelted with vervain coated bullets. (The sound of a gun going off may be the trigger).

Caroline's blood can help someone heal from injuries varying from minor to incredibly severe. The catch with this is that if someone ingests her blood and is killed within twenty-four hours of ingestion, they will come back as a vampire.

The things she's seen and been a part of might be a bit terrifying. Caroline has been under compulsion pre-becoming a vampire and this wasn't exactly pretty. Her relationship with Damon Salvatore - who had compelled her - was abusive and manipulative, and not a happy time for Caroline once she regained those memories.

She's stable, despite all the shit that is her life.


Caroline is pro-physical contact with people she knows. Honestly, go for it. Hugging, touching, handshaking, the works. Caroline is pretty friendly and touchy.


EXITVOID: From her canon point, Caroline is in a relationship with Tyler Lockwood, but I am happy to have her in a relationship in game. She's sexual in canon and her being a vampire has the side effect of being horny all the time. So, everything, I'm game for.

Feel free to injure Caroline. God knows she's winning the tally of most injured on the show.
However, for killing, let's talk. Considering she's dead in canon and has been tortured multiple times, I'd rather discuss it before agreeing to anything as girl is this going to develop a complex.

Go ahead. She's pretty tech-savvy but even Caroline can have the shittiest password.

Absolutely. Please make sure it's okay with the other party, though. If it's marked private, please don't.



As noted in Caroline's character information, she's a vampire capable of many skills and, most notably, powers. Along with being a vampire, she has the basic vampire need - she needs blood.

ABILITIES. ↬ Super Strength: Vampires can pretty much lift really heavy things. It depends on what they drink-animal or human blood-as to how strong they are. But it’s as easy as lifting a book.

↬ Super Speed: They can move so fast it’s a blur. One moment, Caroline may be at the far right of a room, and the next she may be in your face-in the blink of an eye.

↬ Heightened Senses: Vampires pretty much have super good hearing-they can hear things from miles away-a sharp sense of smell, a heightened sense of state and sight.

↬ Super Agility: They’re pretty fit. Vampires are able to move, jump, climb, do really exhaustive things and not even break a sweat or have difficulty with it.

↬ Accelerated Healing: When vampires are injured, they heal very fast-faster than the average human. One moment, they’re bleeding, and the next, there’s no mark on the skin at all.

↬ Durability: They’re able to take more trauma than the average human.

↬ Mind Compulsion: The ability to control minds, manipulate thoughts and memories.

↬ Immortality: Vampires are pretty much indestructible. They stop aging once turned and are immune to diseases, infections, viruses, etc. They, essentially, are able to life forever.

↬ Lapis Lazuli: This isn’t an ability, but an object that enables a vampire to walk in the sun. It’s a ring that has been manipulated with witch magic that allows vampires to blend in and not burn when in direct sunlight.

↬ Vervain: Vervain is a plant that is toxic to vampires. When ingested or touched by it, they become severely weak and feverish. It renders them weak. Vervain, when on skin, burns the flesh.

↬ Decapitation: Will result in instant death.

↬ Witches and their magic: Witches are able to give supernatural aneurysms, which essentially is like experiencing a really sharp, piercing headache. It will render the vampire weakened to the pain.

↬ Sunlight: Sunlight burns and can kill vampires.

↬ Wood: Wood weakens vampires. Wooden bullets are painful and if one hits the heart, it kills them. Wooden stakes, also, result in instant death if it penetrates the heart.

↬ Werewolf Bite: A werewolf bite is extremely lethal to vampires. If bitten, the vampire will experience a slow death where they are feverish and out of control.

↬ Invitation: A vampire needs to be invited into someone’s home. If she is not, and she is inside, she will be disoriented and will begin to suffocate. Caroline can be disinvited.

⇒ Compulsion: It's essentially mind control. She makes eye contact with your character and she's able to tell them what to do/think/say, and your character repeats what she said and does as she's said. The only way to break out of compulsion is to die (and become a vampire, like Caroline) or for the vampire to end the compulsion.

Caroline has a habit of compelling people when she's jealous to go take a hike. She doesn't compel people to injure themselves or to injure others like other TVD vampires. She's pretty harmless with compulsion, however, she has used it to erase her mother's memory of her finding out that Caroline is a vampire, which falls under the category of Very Serious Shit.

⇒ Physical violence: Since she is capable of super human strength, Caroline can physically harm characters - punches, breaking bones, simply moving them out of the way - and she has done this. She has pushed Mason Lockwood (a werewolf) away from her friend and into a tree, and has relocated a girl at a party by picking her up and moving her to the side.

⇒ Death: Very unlikely, as Caroline is a vampire who does not want to kill humans. She's a vampire who looks for animals to feed off or would look for blood bags in a hospital before even attacking people. However, it's available for plotting since Caroline can turn a bit feral if she has human blood.

Obviously, Caroline being a vampire is a threat to many characters, and if things turn sour, she may need to be taken down. Even if she doesn't turn all animalistic, there's always plots in regards to her state of being a vampire.

⇒ I am happy for other vampires to be able to sense her.

⇒ Being hunted down. If word ever got out that she was a vampire, I'm all for vampire hunts and the like. As for torture, I'm open to it, but I'd like to discuss it so I can play her as in character as possible when it comes to the aftermath.

⇒ Having her ring taken off of her.


This is for characters who end up interacting with Caroline and form a part of her CR. Please note that I will contact players before Caroline does any of the things mentioned above and ask for permission for her to use her abilities on that character. I do not wish to godmod or make someone uncomfortable.

Please fill the following out in a comment!

GAME: which game are we in? i'm asking because the two are completely different when it comes to the abilities caroline possesses.

PLAYER: alias/handle/name you'd like to go by so i don't say 'hey you!'
CONTACT: how can i contact you? plurk, aim, email, are you open to pms?, etc.

CHARACTER NAME: self-explanatory.
SPECIES: human/vampire/witch/elf/barbie.
POWERS: any powers i should be aware of? any that might affect caroline? listing them might help come up with potential plots if you're open to it.

CAN CAROLINE COMPEL YOUR CHARACTER? is your character resistant because they have mental blocks?
CAN CAROLINE FEED ON YOUR CHARACTER? are you open to donating blood? are you open to being attacked? is there something about your character's blood that may affect caroline if she were to drink from them?
CAN CAROLINE PHYSICALLY HARM YOUR CHARACTER? can she push them with her super strength? can she snap their bones?
CAN CAROLINE USE HER STRENGTH ON YOUR CHARACTER FOR MUNDANE THINGS? can she do something silly such as lift them up and move them from the left side of a table to the right?

CAN CHECK-INS EVER BE SKIPPED? this will only ever happen with insiginificant things, such as potentially hearing someone's heartbeat or sensing their presence through sense of smell or hearing - only if it's mentioned anywhere in the tag. knowing me, i'll ask you about this, anyway. anything having to do with moving people or compulsion will be discussed.
ANYTHING ELSE? is there anything else i need to know that i haven't covered?






PLAYER: Taryn.
TIME ZONE: GMT +10 (Sydney, Australia).
PLURK: plurk. ( i do accept private plurks. )
AIM: wheresthepillow.
PM: buries or notgirlylittle.

♏ zodion, ♐ exitvoid, ★ permissions

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