CHARACTER NAME: Caroline Forbes.
SERIES: The Vampire Diaries (
info )
CANON POINT: Post 3x03.
AGE: 18
When first introduced to Caroline Forbes, she is portrayed as a shallow, spoiled girl with many insecurities. It’s implied that Caroline is sexually active, as she was involved in a relationship with Damon Salvatore (and the first scene of their ‘relationship’ showed them in bed together). She is the daughter of the sheriff and is an overachiever. She is controlling, always wanting to do her best and prove herself to everyone, and is plagued with many insecurities in which she attempts to overcome with her overachieving methods.
Her insecurities are a large part of her character, as she always compares herself to Elena and wonders what Elena has that she lacks. This is shown when she shows interest in Stefan Salvatore, and he “chooses” Elena instead. Damon, Stefan’s brother, takes an interest in Caroline-though it is hardly romantic-and uses her, feeding on her and using mind compulsion on her to manipulate her into doing things for him (such as getting a necklace from Bonnie). She ends the relationship after she realises he is just using her, which adds to her many insecurities as Damon, who she was interested in when she first saw him, didn’t seem interested in her.
Her relationship with Matt Donovan proved to push Caroline to overcome her insecurities, especially the ones involving Elena (as Matt was Elena’s ex-boyfriend) and she found herself becoming a better person. However, a strain on their relationship would occur after she was involved in a car accident and was later killed by Katherine Pierce. Fortunately for her, Damon had fed her some of his blood, and as his vampire blood was in her system at the time of her murder, she ended up turning into a vampire.
Becoming a vampire changed Caroline, mostly for the better. Dubbed “Vampire Barbie” by Damon, Caroline became an “insecure, neurotic, control freak on crack”, due to her character traits being amplified due to her vampire state. Her turning placed a strain on her friendship with Bonnie Bennet, who was angered by her feeding and killing a fellow student she showed romantic interest in, and sought for her forgiveness as her friendship meant a lot to Caroline. She struggled to accept her new life as a vampire, as she could not be out in the sun without burning, and did not understand what was happening to her until it was too late (in which she fed and killed a fellow student). This placed a strain on her relationship with Matt, as he was a constant temptation to her, and she tried to fight against her desire to feed from him.
Caroline, in an act of selflessness that would later define her character, broke up with Matt as she fed on him. She broke up with him in a way that showed her to be insecure, as she showed signs of jealousy towards another girl showing interest in him. She did this for his benefit, not hers, as previously, he showed annoyance when she was openly jealous about said girl. Her acting this way hours after he expressed this forced his hand to break up with her, which was what Caroline was aiming for. She is later manipulated by Katherine to spy on Elena and Stefan, as Katherine threatened to harm Matt, whom Caroline still cared for deeply. She was conflicted, as she is protective and loyal to Elena, but she loved Matt dearly.
Caroline has a rocky relationship with her mother, the sheriff. When her mother found out she was a vampire, she was less than accepting, stating that her daughter was gone and the Caroline standing before her was not her child. Gradually, she came around to Caroline being a vampire, but this would not be permanent as Caroline compels her mother to forget about her being a vampire, as she knew her mother-who was an avid hater and hunter of vampires-would never trust her fellow vampire friends.
Gradually, Caroline’s backbone is made known as she fights back against Damon and Katherine, respectively. For Damon, Caroline, after turning, physically pushed him and showed confidence as she stated that she remembered his manipulation (as the compulsion had worn off). For Katherine, Caroline tricked her into thinking she was weak, and trapped her in a room in which she magically could not leave. She proved herself to be a good actor for Katherine, showing that she was pliable for manipulation-when she clearly was not.
When Tyler Lockwood triggered the werewolf curse, Caroline helped in every step of the way with him coming to terms with who he now was and what was waiting for him at the next full moon. Despite a werewolf bite being deadly to a vampire, she stayed with him during his transformations and proved to be a loyal friend. She stuck by him as she didn’t want him to go through it alone, like she did. A friendship blossoms between the two of them, and this later causes problems for Caroline and Matt, as the latter suspects that Tyler and Caroline are romantically involved behind his back, as he and Caroline have reconnected. Their friendship is strained when Tyler learns that Damon killed his uncle, and that Caroline had been protecting the secret all along. She did not tell him the truth as she was protecting her friends and protecting him. She later felt betrayed when he hesitated in unlocking the cage she was trapped in (due to his werewolf “friends”) and revealed that friends help other friends, and that their friendship was terminated. When Tyler returned to Mystic Falls, Caroline revealed that she didn’t hate him at all, showing that despite her strong words, she still cared for him and was willing to help him during his next transformation.
Caroline, once again, struggles with her relationship with Matt. As it is revealed that Vicki, his sister, was turned into a vampire and killed, and that Caroline, herself, is a vampire, Matt terminates their relationship as he cannot deal with the fact that Caroline is no longer the Caroline he knew. He asks her to compel him to forget his discovery of the truth behind Vicki’s ‘disappearance’ and Caroline’s true nature, which she does. However, it is later revealed that Matt still remembers her confessing she is a vampire and spies on her for her mother. Her mum later finds out she is a vampire, in which she has the same negative reaction as Matt, but she soon comes to accept Caroline for who she is, once again, as shown the first time she found out the truth.
At her canon point, her father finds out she’s a vampire, and tries to “fix her” by trying to get her off of blood. It’s seen here that Caroline has come to accept her vampirism, stating that she “can’t be fixed”. She views herself as she has always-as Caroline, not a creature-whereas her father just sees an animal in his daughter’s body. After she’s saved, instead of being angry towards him, she is saddened greatly that he “hates” her. When his life is threatened by Damon, she saves him, despite his ill actions towards her. She can be incredibly forgiving to those who least deserve it.
Caroline developed from a shallow, spoiled girl plagued with insecurities of being in Elena Gilbert’s shadow, to a mature, strong-willed vampire. Over the course of the show, it was revealed that Caroline was protective and loyal of her friends, which is especially shown after her turning into a vampire-with Tyler Lockwood-and her strong-will is shown with her fighting back against her past manipulators-being Damon Salvatore and Katherine Pierce. She struggles with finding her previous identity as it constantly clashes with who she is as a vampire, and finds that these two are constantly at war with one another as she fights her desires as a vampire with her desires as a human (such as feeding from Matt vs being with Matt and, ultimately, keeping him safe).
↬ Super Strength: Vampires can pretty much lift really heavy things. It depends on what they drink-animal or human blood-as to how strong they are. But it’s as easy as lifting a book.
↬ Super Speed: They can move so fast it’s a blur. One moment, Caroline may be at the far right of a room, and the next she may be in your face-in the blink of an eye.
↬ Heightened Senses: Vampires pretty much have super good hearing-they can hear things from miles away-a sharp sense of smell, a heightened sense of state and sight.
↬Super Agility: They’re pretty fit. Vampires are able to move, jump, climb, do really exhaustive things and not even break a sweat or have difficulty with it.
↬ Accelerated Healing: When vampires are injured, they heal very fast-faster than the average human. One moment, they’re bleeding, and the next, there’s no mark on the skin at all.
↬ Durability: They’re able to take more trauma than the average human.
↬ Mind Compulsion: The ability to control minds, manipulate thoughts and memories.
↬ Immortality: Vampires are pretty much indestructible. They stop aging once turned and are immune to diseases, infections, viruses, etc. They, essentially, are able to life forever.
↬ Lapis Lazuli: This isn’t an ability, but an object that enables a vampire to walk in the sun. It’s a ring that has been manipulated with witch magic that allows vampires to blend in and not burn when in direct sunlight.
↬ Vervain: Vervain is a plant that is toxic to vampires. When ingested or touched by it, they become severely weak and feverish. It renders them weak. Vervain, when on skin, burns the flesh.
↬ Decapitation: Will result in instant death.
↬ Witches and their magic: Witches are able to give supernatural aneurysms, which essentially is like experiencing a really sharp, piercing headache. It will render the vampire weakened to the pain.
↬ Sunlight: Sunlight burns and can kill vampires.
↬ Wood: Wood weakens vampires. Wooden bullets are painful and if one hits the heart, it kills them. Wooden stakes, also, result in instant death if it penetrates the heart.
↬ Werewolf Bite: A werewolf bite is extremely lethal to vampires. If bitten, the vampire will experience a slow death where they are feverish and out of control.
↬ Invitation: A vampire needs to be invited into someone’s home. If she is not, and she is inside, she will be disoriented and will begin to suffocate. Caroline can be disinvited.
↬ Clothes:
Black dress and high heel shoes.
↬ Lapis Lazuli ring
Big ugly ring, essentially.