☪ A Little Early for Mother [ Child Filter ]

May 06, 2010 09:43

Warnings: Violence, blood
Dream Effects: A feeling of hopelessness.
[ From a 3rd Person POV, and taken somewhat from the movie "Bloodlust". ]


Everything was completely black, except the floor. It was covered in a thin layer of wine--or blood? And D walked through it, each step filled with purpose, decked out in his full hunter attire. He continued walking, until finally a figure with long, straight, flowing brown hair that trailed and slithered in the water like snakes, with pale skin and and even paled white dress came into view. She was hunched over, on her knees in the red water, her beautiful white empire-waist dress flowing over the top of the red liquid.

D paused a good twenty feet away.

And her voice called out to him.


He didn't move.

"D... forgive me..."

And still, he didn't move.

"...Forgive me, my little prince. I truly loved him. I truly did love... your father... what choice did I have but to have you?"

D's hand moved underneath his cape, subtle.

"Can you forgive me, D? D? I know it's been lonely for you. I was lonely too -- until you came along. Did you hear? D?"

And then he moved. With a quick slash of his weapon, the woman's head went flying, rolling right into the water, facing away form him as her long hair settled into the wet floor below.

And the vampire hunter spoke.

"You never called me D."


And he woke up.

dream, mother

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