It's been a while since I've posted directly to LiveJournal. This was by design, of course. I've been trying for the past year to "break into" some of the bear circles here in Portland, and it seems the vast majority of them - hell, all of the, from what I can see - use Facebook. And so, I've been posting over there in an attempt to insinuate
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Comments 4
Your bear of moment is a hottie...
Being friends as an adult is difficult. I feel like I have no free time to spend with anyone & have very little energy to go out and do stuff. I'm not sure if that's just be getting older and more introverted, or if it's what everyone goes through?
People definitely get into mind-sets. I enjoy spending time by myself, and can easily understand others who feel similarly and thus are less inclined to go out of their way to make new friends.
But having said that, I've come to believe that my age + my disability are major factors working against my breaking into Portland bear circles. I can't go to bars, and so I'm not seeing people who might otherwise be inclined to say hello. And I've always been the oldest guy at the bear games, which puts up yet another social wall.
But I haven't given up just yet.
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