Title: Validation
Chapter: 7/?
notochrasyRating: PG
Pairing: primarily Kris/Luhan, this chapter honestly doesn't play into any pairings
Genre: AU, Drama, Sci-Fi, Dystopian
Summary:55 years after a new radioactive mineral has been discovered and used as a new nuclear energy source for Earth
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Comments 16
Another amazing chapter, but that cliff hanger though ;A;
Kris punching Sehun <3
The mug falling down bit has me curious
Luhan shouldn't get powers....???
...But who am I to say 8D that would make for an awesome twist!
LOL it seems like Kris punching Sehun is something people like haha XD
yeah the mug falling down is an interesting thing...
Luhan? get powers? hmm... ;) well it all depends, he's integrated into validated society so something probably would've had to happen for him to go unnoticed with powers..which makes things a little difficult...but you never know... you could be onto something :P
(it will become pretty obvious within the next few chapters and you can see if your ~prediction~ has any truth to it since the rest of the plot is already cemented in, i just have to write it all out now ^^)
But seriously, this is definitely one of my most, if not THE MOST, anticipated fics ever. I constantly come back to check on your lj in hope of finding the next chapter and I scream myself to sleep when I see that you've updated!
I'll definitely start commenting like crazy for the chapters-to-come so please update! I really love this fanfic and your writing style. c:
but I'm honoured that you took the time to log on <3
I'm really grateful that you like this fic, the entire presentation of this story is a little different to what is popular in the fanfic world so any support I've been getting, I'm really thankful for ;w;
and I updated :)
thank you for reading and commenting!
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