[When her inmate item had gone off, Persephone had abandoned the potatoes that she had been growing for the kitchen and she had quickly descended down to zero, following the flower before her. She was filled with worry and anger over the fact that Edgar had trusted Arthas for anything. The door to zero almost seemed to fling before her hands touched it, and there was a tired color in her cheeks as she looked for where Edgar was.]
[He felt feverish, his stomach cramped painfully, and so when she arrived in Zero, he just looked up at her and whimpered. The plague hadn't yet finished it's work in turning him into a creature like Arthas, but it was racing through his system at an incredible rate.]
"He is a liar!" [Persephone's voice was sharp and stern and filled with disbelief, and she quickly stepped into his cell. Gathering her skirts, the goddess quickly dropped onto the floor next to him. Her hand touched his shoulder, and she pulled him closer to her.]
"Arthas is undead! He is a liar, Edgar!"
[She couldn't believe how foolish he had been; was drinking her offered blood somehow worse than this?!]
"Well I didn't know," he whimpered, letting her move him closer. "And it would be safer if I just didn't have to eat than if I have to drink straight from people! I don't bite gently, you know."
Comments 26
"He said I wouldn't be hungry again for days."
"Arthas is undead! He is a liar, Edgar!"
[She couldn't believe how foolish he had been; was drinking her offered blood somehow worse than this?!]
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