May 11, 2010 13:50

Part I
What species is your character?

Would other characters be able to sense your character's species?
I guess it's a possibility.

Is there anything strange in your character's blood, DNA, etc that other characters might be able to sense?
Aside from the fact that he's dead, not that I know of.

What does your character's soul look like?
Well, Kitaniji is a being of the plane known as the Underground (UG) in The World Ends With You, and is so he is composed of Soul. So chances are, whoever can see his soul would just see him.

Is it possible to read anything from your character's soul?
Uhm... he's pretty powerful? And a sneaky, manipulative bastard with a good heart.

What color is your character's soul?
See above.

Does your character have an ability that others might be able to sense?
Kitaniji is a passive telepath, however, he is able to concentrate and focus on one individual. If he is doing so, others with psychic abilities might be able to sense that?

Can your characters thoughts be read?
It depends on how powerful the character is. Unless you're a really powerful psychic/a higher being with psychic powers, you won't get much from him. He's also probably got plenty of mental barriers.

Is it possible to communicate with your character through telepathy?
Absolutely, if he allows it.

Is it possible to see what your character is doing through psychic powers?
I guess? Again it depends on how powerful the character in question is. Though he's not the most interesting guy to watch.

Is it possible to sense your character's location somehow?
If the character has a power that allows him/her to, then yes.

Is it possible to sense your character's emotions?
Not likely. Kitaniji is outwardly in a nearly perpetual state of B] and is a master at hiding his true emotions.

Does your character have any mental walls or defenses up?
Most likely.

Can your character be mind-controlled?
It's very very unlikely, sorry.

How do you feel about 4th wall breaking?
Go for it.

Is there something specific that you don't want anyone to know about your character?

How do you feel about threadjacking?
Again, go for it.

What about spamming your posts?
Pfft. Yes.

How about sudden action threads?
Always up for that.

Can your character be imprisoned?
You can try? He's more of a wait and see kind of guy, so he probably wouldn't fight back immediately.

Is it okay to approach you about hacking private threads? Alternatively, how technologically gifted is your character?
Yes, it's fine! And Kitaniji is very good with technology.

Has your character died before? Can other characters pick up on this?
Yes and yes.

Is it okay to kill your character, given the proper discussion/circumstances?

.... It's probably not going to happen.

Part II
So, Kitaniji is the ex-Conductor of the Reaper's Game of Shibuya. As a Reaper, he has superior strength and whatnot to the average human as well as an extended lifespan. and as Conductor, he was (and still is) quite the powerful Reaper and psychic. However, worry not! Megs here is quite the stick in the mud. He isn't the type to abuse his abilities or make use of them unless necessary. If you want to see a full list of his abilities, it's right here!

Nevertheless, he has some abilities that require player permission in case it happens to come up.
» Telepathy: As stated, Kitaniji is quite the powerful psychic. He is a passive telepath, being able to hear the thoughts and emotions within a wide range of or focus in on one particular individual.
» Imprinting: He is also capable of imprinting memes (thoughts or ideas) on an individual, on items (such as the O-pins), or on a massive scale. This can be as simple as a meme coming up as an unconscious spurt of inspiration or as severe as complete mind control.

SOOO, if you lovely people could fill this out:
Player: Your name goes here. If you want to put a form of contact, that'll work too?
Character: Name and joural go here.

Is Kitaniji able to read this character's mind? A simple yes or no.
How far would he be able to read? Surface thoughts? Everything? Nothing?
If it were ever to come up, would you be okay with your character being imprinted? How severe? From simple memes to total mind-control.

Thanks so much If you have any questions are comments, feel free to ask them here or contact me via AIM at tabootycall.

*ooc, *permissions, *mostly harmless

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