Dear Chris, You are now "one of us." Though you did not choose to join the world of those with online journals, you have. It is a big step in a person's life and I am proud of you for it! And think of all the entries you can make in the audreyadams community! Think of the possibilities! I hope you embrace this livejournal and let us share in your intermost feelings and dreams.
Today, well today the day you are currently reading this, which I am assuming is tomorrow, but for all intents and purposes I shall refer to said day as today, begins the week in which the final Xbox offering comes to term. Either we will get that damned Xbox for Chris or die trying, well, I suppose no one will die, persay, unless you count the spirit of a one Mr. Christopher D. Brady as a person, and spirits aren't generally regarded as people, atleast in this day and age, maybe in the future, with the flying cars and crazy german techno music, then spirits may be regarded as people and killing said spirit would then become a capital offense. But until that day, the days of fusion-powered homes and a truly realistic Aibo, all we can do is hope for the best, and if Chris's spirit is killed, write some nasty letters to the Pepsi-Cola Corp.
Comments 2
You are now "one of us." Though you did not choose to join the world of those with online journals, you have. It is a big step in a person's life and I am proud of you for it! And think of all the entries you can make in the audreyadams community! Think of the possibilities! I hope you embrace this livejournal and let us share in your intermost feelings and dreams.
Here's hoping we don't have to write any letters,
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