Character: Donna Noble
Series/Fandom: Doctor Who
Deviance: 7
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Species: Human really
Appearance: *lazy*
Psychology: Upon first meeting Donna, many people might assume she’s a bossy, stubborn, somewhat crazy ginger.
These people would be correct.
Every since she was a little girl, Donna has been the sort of woman who knows exactly what she wants and has long since decided she will have it, no ‘if’s, ‘and’s or ‘but’s. On one hand, this is one of her strengths. Her determination in reaching her goals is incredibly strong to the point where nothing will stop her, no matter how weird or challenging or dangerous. If she wants to accomplish something, then pity any obstacles that come in her way. For example, if she wants to save someone or find something, then she will. That’s just how it will be. Until she has, Donna won’t be able to focus on anything else. It also means she’s rather pushy with people. If they can possibly help her, then she’ll force them into it.
On the negative side, this can sometimes make her seem obsessed - and indeed she gets quite obsessed with her goals - and single-minded to the point of missing the big picture. At times she can focus on two things at once but she still keeps her previous goal in mind until it has been achieved.
She can, however, be somewhat dependent for such an independent and bossy person. She loves having people near her and now needs travel and adventure to feel alive. Thanks to her need to be around these situations, she can lose sight of important details in people and end up desperate for her status quo. In these ways she has become like the Doctor, needing that lifestyle, something she was originally afraid of.
Yet Donna also has amazing insight into others. With her ability to hyperfocus on things, she actually catches a lot in people. Not always, of course, but even with someone as complex and mysterious as the Doctor, she’s able to see past his lies and fronts. Her ability to read people is often overlooked but Donna isn’t afraid to call people on their flaws or hypocrisies. In fact, you would think it’s her job in life with how she does it. But this is really Donna’s way of caring. It seems harsh but Donna genuinely cares about a lot of people and shows it in this tougher way.
At the same time, for all her sagely abilities, Donna is still a normal person. She’s very excitable, not afraid of slapping sense into people, loves gossip and takes great pleasure in things like Pringles and delicious alcohol.
General Skills/Abilities: Not a whole lot, really. The ability to run in high heels? She’s good at temp jobs. And secretary work. And, uh, apparently good enough at lying and sneaking around to do undercover stuff. She must be good at it to get jobs like she does.
General Weaknesses: She’s just a regular old human. Really. Punch her? OW. Shoot her? SHE MIGHT DIE. Really, she’s completely normal.
History: Donna’s life has been fairly normal. As a child she was bossy with equally bossy but loving parents. They’ve supported her decisions in life and everything’s been pretty normal. She did fine in school - she’s not particularly clever but hey she passed - and found that she was excellent at temp work. It was her lot in life. Maybe not a lot but it was hers.
Then she fell in love. That’s how all good stories start, even if this one didn’t. And that most don’t actually start with that. Yet falling in love with Lance would lead to so many strange things. Donna didn’t know it at the time. She only knew that Lance made her coffee and seemed to be on her level. He was kind and funny, not stuck-up and treated her like a person. What more could a girl ask for?
Naturally, she suggested marriage. Lance, like the good secretly evil and actually terrified of her man that he was, ran for his life. But thanks to Donna’s persistence and the fact that he had to keep her close to keep poisoning her, he agreed. Donna was ecstatic and things proceeded normally, except for the part where she suddenly glowed with yellow light and was sucked up into a spaceship.
The spaceship was in fact the TARDIS, currently owned by a very emo Time Lord named the Doctor. After having a good row - which of course meant they were destined for friendship - the Doctor attempted to take Donna back to Earth for her wedding. Yet in the process, she was kidnapped and the Doctor became more and more interested in her situation.
It was quickly revealed that Lance was just using her as a pawn in the Empress of the Racnoss’s plot. In the chaos, however, a moment happened that truly changed Donna. With information from the empress, the Doctor took them back to the creation of the Earth to see what the empress had hidden in the center. Watching the Earth form, seeing the swirling gases and the light of the new star - the sun - and standing in the dust made Donna believe that Earth really was just a speck, as were humans. Although the Doctor assured her of otherwise, Donna’s worldview expanded greatly in that one moment.
Returning to Earth, she was kidnapped once more and used as a key to release the Racnoss children. The Doctor made a desperate move to wipe them out but Donna, horrified, forced him to stop. With Christmas saved, the Doctor asked Donna to travel with him but she declined. She felt too overwhelmed, with the Doctor standing in the fire and watching the Racnoss scream still fresh in her mind. The Doctor left and Donna, feeling like a new person, went on.
And then she woke up.
No, it wasn’t all a dream. She simply woke up the next day. Her parents were normal, the Earth was normal, everything was normal. Even the Doctor’s snow was gone. But Donna had promised to walk in the dust and so she tried. She started taking trips to exotic locations, doing the various tours, trying nature walks and adventure trips. They were fun, certainly, and better than her dull, TV obsessed life from before but something was missing.
It was on a trip to Egypt that she realized that it simply wasn’t the same. The Earth was beautiful and interesting, sure, but it wasn’t space. It wasn’t time travel. It wasn’t fighting aliens and doing death-defying leaps from moving vehicles. It was passports and flights and doing temp jobs in between and warnings on the water and tours. It wasn’t interesting enough. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t find something that compared to the feeling of standing over the Thames, the Racnoss defeated, howling with laughter with the Doctor.
And so Donna made a very simple decision. If she wanted to travel in space, she needed the Doctor. See? Very simple. She searched all sorts of trouble spots and in the process began to pick up on signs of aliens and even discovered mysterious things herself. Sadly, most of them turned out to be fairly mundane, until a strange diet pill came out.
During her investigation, she met the Doctor once again. This part gets to be vague but safe to say the evil was defeated and Donna, with renewed excitement, finally joined Team TARDIS.
The Doctor’s other companions currently include the Brig and Mr. Copper. They’ve had many adventures together so far and have even met all incarnations of the Doctor, though thanks to a faulty memory wipe, these events are rather foggy. Still, Donna prides herself on their travels and finally feels like she’s doing something with her life.
Reality Description: The planet of Blackbird has an interesting history. Several hundreds of years ago, a large space capsule fell from the sky and caused quite the stir on the developing world. The people were just beginning to shift their lives into building cities and found the contents of the capsule fascinating. The capsule contained an abundance of human culture things, including clothes, pictures, books, music, technology, messages and more. The people thought the capsule was sent to them by the Gods as a sign. After intense research and debate, they came to the conclusion that the Beatles, which had the most songs of the collection, were the avatars of their Gods. The songs became hymns and their lyrics became scripture.
And so the planet continued to develop into what it is today. The culture is in many ways 1960’s based, with the themes of acid trips and self discovery with a laid back attitude present. On the other hand, the capsule had been highly varied in terms of time periods, though it mostly came from human culture. Music is especially important to these people. Not just the Beatles but many other bands are considered demi-gods (or full gods in some sects. Naturally, bandom here is full of religious clashing). Technology wise, it’s roughly the 1960’s, with random advanced things and just as randomly archaic things. The overall feel is rather Earth-like, though the planet is overall less green and much more rocky, red and mountainous. There are vast, green oceans and trees tend to be found only in valleys.
The people of this world are humanoid with a few notable exceptions: they have horns and tails. The types vary greatly and generally divide people up into ‘races’ and social classes. Those with more threatening horns are generally warriors while those with beautiful, delicate horns are generally nobility.
Overall, the people are friendly though mellow and wars don’t happen too often. Conflict usually stems over worship, like thinking Paul McCartney is totally the best Beatle. Drinking and drugs are common enough that use is moderate and taboos generally come from social class differences.