Your Name: Disclosed online, just call me Toris
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thedogisdeadTimezone: Wales (GMT)
Character You’re Applying For: Lithuania [Toris Lorinaitis]
Short Character History/Personality (Paragraph Minimum):
Lithuania is a good natured, kind and polite, and makes an excellent friend. Unfortunately, like the other Baltic nations, he is an introvert, but after he gets used to a person he'll trust them fully. He loves nothing more than to help others, but this often gets him into situations where others take advantage of him. Still, he is not stupid, and is loyal and protective of his friends.
He is frightened by Russia, and it is indicated in canon that Lithuania was physically abused by the larger nation in the past. Although he no longer lives with Russia, he is still wary of him. Lithuania is a worrier, and sometimes depresses himself to the point of an upset stomach. He tends to think too much about things, causing him to lose sleep, which can make him seem even more on edge. According to his official profile, his hobbies are martial arts and literature, and he drives a second hand car. If Vilnius's culture is anything to go by, I would like to add that he also enjoys art (such as sculpting), nature, dance and music. Although his culture isn't known worldwide, he is very proud of it and is known to have held onto his national identity, even in times when owning a Lithuanian flag was rewarded with torture until death by the Red Army.
Poland is probably Lithuania's closest friend, with Poland referring to Toris as 'Liet' (from 'Lietuvos Respublika', the Lithuanian word for Lithuania.). Lithuania is often dragged and bossed around by Poland, trying to make him follow his (usually completely random and made up) 'Polish rules' and such. It is obvious that the two do actually care for each other, even though Poland can be stubborn. Even though their relationship probably comes across as one-sided and irritable at times to others, Lithuania and Poland's history has reached back so far together that they have formed a deep, mutual friendship.
Poland won't stand for Russia bullying Lithuania, which happens a lot. Threatening to make Russia's capital Warsaw seems to keep Russia at bay, for now. Their relationship seemed to hit a 'mature point' when Poland accidently found out about Lithuania's scars from his time with Russia. Lithuania is also shown to have a crush on Ivan's younger sister, Belarus, but it is unrequited, with Belarus being after her brother. Even after she broke Lithuania's fingers, his love for her didn't waver (he didn't even seem to notice). It seems that Lithuania has an incredibly high pain tolerance, or at least the ability to allow love to numb his senses.
Lithuania is a strong individual, still portraying some of the knight-like personality traits he developed during his past. Occupation by the Soviet Union certainly affected him, but he was strong enough to rise up and regain his independence. He now clings onto that with a firm grip, forming good relations with whoever he can.
(Brief History):
In the Middle Ages, Lithuania and Poland worked together as partners, forming a huge kingdom that controlled most of central and Eastern Europe. During this time, they were involved in the Battle of Tannenburg, where they fought the Teutonic Knights/Prussia. They managed to win the war, but then ended up in the Polish-Swedish wars. However, as Sweden decided not to pursue the war, the two ended up with no opponents. They ended up being split apart by Russia, who annexed Poland and took Lithuania to live with him.
While living with Russia, it is made clear in the comic that Lithuania was subjected to physical abuse by Russia, but also affection. Russia is shown as being very possessive over Lithuania, who is shown being his subordinate and servant. Lithuania unfortunately was around to witness 'Bloody Sunday' in 1905, and thus Russia's descent into madness.
After WWI, Lithuania went to live with America for 11 years after becoming poor. When the Great Depression happened, he was sent back to live with Russia. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Lithuania was reunited with Poland. Russia is still after Lithuania, asking him to become one with him, but Poland usually wards him off by threatening to make his capital Warsaw. Currently, Lithuania is still recuperating with Poland.
Short Sample of In Character Writing (3rd Person Preferred): ~(ignore the fact this is RusLiet and from a private RP... I can provide another sample if needed.)
[Lithuania didn't look up at Russia again, especially at that question. Oh, how he wanted to just tell Russia that yes, he was happy. He was happy with Poland, and his brothers. He was happy now the shackles of the Soviet Union had been shed for him and his friends. He almost wanted to stand up to the Russian and tell him these things to his face, to hurt him, somehow.
Lithuania sometimes wanted to shout and rage at Russia, no, he was NOT happy back then. He'd almost lost everything, his culture, his language, his people and his pride. He supposed right now, it didn't matter. Right now he was here, and so was Ivan. Sometimes looking at the other made him feel sick. Sick at how a person which at times, looked so innocent, almost like a child, could be so cruel.
Sometimes, Toris would grip the material of his uniform tightly, and wish that he could somehow hurt the larger nation. Sometimes, the pain and abuse he had suffered welled up inside him until he felt like he couldn't control himself. He'd not lost it once though. For someone who had once been the largest nation in Europe and lost almost all of it, he seemed well composed. He wasn't going to show Russia that he was hurt, or angry. It hurt his pride whenever Ivan was able to bare open his raw emotions like that when no one else could. And a fierce pride he still had. After all, he was still here. Independant and a recognised nation.
And now...
And now he would just swallow his anger, as usual. He would continue to be polite to the other nation. But he wouldn't answer the last question.
Instead, the Lithuanian just made a 'mm' noise, before sipping his gradually warming milk. He gazed at the milk afterwards, trying to evade Russia's gaze somehow. The glass was cold against his hands, and the milk white like the snow. It reminded him of Russia suddenly. Sighing, he pushed it away a little and rested his head on the table again.]
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