This is a fandom with lip tattoos, come on!

Jun 09, 2008 21:38

So, there's all this wank recently and you know what, fuck that noise. Big Bang has started! There's vampire fic!

Lets stop taking ourselves so seriously and instead remember the reason we got into bandom in the first place.

I love it when full sizes finally get posted.

Remember when we thought that these sunglasses were ridiculous?

You know, before we knew how much more


it could get.

Who would've thought we'd go from this

to this.

I'm pretty sure fanboy Ryan Ross did not expect to go from here

to here.

When Brendon decided to proclaim that he had an applebottom

I'm pretty sure we weren't expecting to see most of it. (Just really hoping.)

I doubt anyone was expecting Spencer Smith to go from this

to some sort of hotass hippie.

or that Jon could actually be

more awesome.

Seriously you guys

things are only getting better.


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