OOC: Relationships

Nov 11, 2030 00:07

✿    - I'm undecided about you. / You seem alright!
✿✿   - I wanna know more about you. / I like you!
✿✿✿  - We're friends now. / I think you're awesome!
✿✿✿✿ - We're best friends! / I really admire you.
✖    - I don't really feel a need to compete with you. / I'll play nice.
✖✖   - Maybe a little friendly competition couldn't hurt. / I might tease you just a little.
✖✖✖  - Watch out! You're definitely someone to beat! / I'm probably looking to argue with you.
✖✖✖✖ - A special level of hate reserved solely for Giovanni.
❤ - I think you're cute, and I'm not shy about admitting it.
❤ - Either I think you're cute and I won't admit it out loud, or I haven't even realized that I've got a crush.
  - No hearts? No crush. Yet. Easy as that.


What is there to say, really? Lyra thinks she's pretty cool. She's done some stuff that most kids her age would never get the chance to do, and she knows it. Heck, she'll probably brag about it to anyone willing to listen. She's got her eyes fixed far too firmly on the horizon to spend a lot of time examining her own flaws, and she likes it that way just fine.

Admittedly, she is just reaching the age where she's starting to notice boys exist, and that has opened the door for the occasional moment of vague, self-conscious wondering. Would she look prettier if she wore her hair down? Are overalls too dorky? Maybe boys like quiet girls better. These little moments of questioning, however, are extremely short-lived; they go just as quickly as they show up. Who's got time to waste on that kinda thinking, anyway?


It seems kind of strange, at first. Lyra detests Pokemon thieves and people who are mean to their Pokemon. Silver is both of those -- and he's rude to Lyra, too. Even so, she'd call Silver one of her best friends. So what, then, keeps her coming back for more? Ask Lyra, and she'd probably be surprised by the question; it probably hasn't even occurred to her that the fact she likes Silver so much is at all unusual.

Maybe it's that she likes having such a tough rival to keep her on her toes. Maybe she just sees potential -- he's a talented trainer as is, but as soon as he opens that blackened, rusty heart of his to his team, he could be great. Maybe she's somehow able to see past the prickly exterior and find the hurt little kid standing alone outside of Viridian City. Personally, she'd probably chalk it up to the same thing that drew her team together: they were just meant to be a part of each other's lives. There's not much point in asking why -- it's just the way it's supposed to be, and that's good enough.





Lyra likes gym leaders. Even the ones who pitch a fit when you win and refuse to hand over a badge. Brock is not the type of gym leader to pitch fits. From what Lyra has seen, he's cool and level-headed and capable. And also very tough; her match against him was more challenging than she'd expected it to be. She hasn't known him for all that long, but Lyra's come to the conclusion that he's reliable. If she had to storm a Rocket hideout with him, she'd be okay with that. Dude knows how to get things done. Her first impression of Kanto gym leaders: very favorable. She would hang out with him. Y'know. If he suddenly felt like hanging out with children for some reason.

Secretly she would like to set up his Onix on a blind date with Jasmine's Steelix.


Aside from a small altercation at Pokeathlon practice, Lyra hasn't really discovered what kind of person Cyrus is yet. Abstract thought and philosophy... really aren't her biggest strengths, so I can't imagine she'd be able to keep up with his lectures on the state of the world at all. All she really knows is that a guy who specifically needs to be told that causing earthquakes to win a game of Capture the Flag is over the line is... probably not the kind of dude that gets invited to play a lot of games.

Little Mac

Lyra met Mac on her very first day at Smash Academy, and she's counted him as one of her friends ever since. Even though he comes from a place without Pokemon, he had such a keen interest in her team and in Pokemon matters -- Lyra instantly has a soft spot for anyone who's eager to learn about walking with Pokemon, and it's always a nice gesture when a friend makes an effort to learn about the things that are very important to you. Mac's shown himself to be easy to get along with, and he's probably one of the most bighearted people Lyra has met here. To the point that he'll even trust Giovanni... which, admittedly, does make Lyra just a teensy bit leery. There's a good chance she'll be trying to watch what she says around him, just in case if it makes its way back to Giovanni... but we all know how good Lyra is at keeping her thoughts to herself, right?


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