
Jun 28, 2004 21:33

hmm.. i have a question for you guys.. what would you do if some one close to you was acting shady.. its not going to be anyone you think it is.. but im jw wondering..

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Comments 4

wet_from_birth June 28 2004, 20:10:25 UTC
i would try and pull off thier skin to see if maybe...just maybe...they were actually a robot bent on world destruction


caffeenqueen June 28 2004, 22:41:29 UTC
um.. you took the words out of my mouth...wack.

:/<3 i wuv you margaret


n0thinglasts June 29 2004, 18:55:32 UTC
i suppose i'd go with a more conventional route and ask what's going on in a tactful way. jumping to conclusions is always a bad idea. if they prove true, you're even more enraged; if they don't, it was still just a breeding ground for failure and upset feelings. so yes... ask first. act later.


shoebopular June 30 2004, 15:10:16 UTC
dman u got me.. i kno im shady..wut can i say.. ? jk woman. ..jus talk 2 em i guess..i dunno dood


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