april 22- did dynamis-jeuno, wiped out near the beginning... for what reason.. i dont know. >.< so, we never made it to the boss, we ran outta time. :( af drops were: whm, 2 rng, i think there was one more but i can't remember. no brd again ; ; there were 4 100 bill drops tho, that was nice.. anywho!! screenies
so, dinged 72 after that, tried on lyris' ugly errant :\
i was trying to *eat* the pamamas and got stunned lol
eww :\
so next day, was supposed to be gods, but there was emergency maintenence sooo.. hnms galore. only made it to one of them cause i was afk a majority of the time.
shitty drops, only a crimson blade, vile elixor and some other crappy thing.
next day, forced myself up to do gods.
drops :
genbu #1 -
genbu #2 -
genbu #3 -
seiryu #1 -
seiryu #2 -
seiryu #3 -
dinged 73 last night ;D mazurka!
and some random prettyness shots.