Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Which of your friends should
noooo_angelita go out with? ha ha...not even gonna say it...
2) Would you make out with
coeray? not my type (luv ya though!)
3) Is
unknowntruths an emo? um, no
4) Have you ever dated
wolfama? not yet...
5) Does
beachyerica smoke? crack
6) What would you do if
straightlaughin died? hold a parade?
scottypotty69's hair color? pyscadellic orange
8) What animal does
keepsmiling17 remind you of? a really cute mouse
9) Does
stephtizzle know
stagechick001? intimately...
10) What is
diduknowimissu allergic to? no idea
11) What color should
dramaroni dye their hair? grorange (green/orange)
12) What animal should
pineapplev88 be combined with? a kitty
13) What is
hiatelhernia's shoe size? huge
14) Is
greenimi a nerd? nada
15) Have you flirted with
coeray? that would be a no
16) What video game does
diduknowimissu remind you of? um...
17) Is
beachyerica 1337? what?
18) Is
roq235 dead sexy? ew
19) Is
cutelilfox your best friend? no, but i love her
20) Where would
lollypop299 most like to visit? ms. kressal's office
21) If
roq235 and
scottypotty69 were siamese twins, where would they be joined? the butt
22) Is
stagechick001 a high school student? yes
23) How many monkeys could
diduknowimissu fight at once and win against? wtf?!?!
24) What would
stagechick001 think of
keepsmiling17? that she's crazy, crack-addicted whore
25) Are
greenimi and
diduknowimissu going steady? not that i know of
26) How tall is
defyingravity88? short
27) What languages does
xtina88 speak? um...some english...
28) Would
donttry2beeme go out with
jennigans? maybe
29) Would
scottypotty69 and
pineapplev88 look good together? in a weird way
30) Has
xtina88 dyed their hair? highlights
31) What mental disorder does
noooo_angelita remind you of? obsessive-compulsive-bitchiness (and i say that with tons of love)
32) If
yroc4887 took over the world, who would suffer? everyone
33) How would
deepdown_inside conquer the world? by feeding it cologne-permeated cheetos
34) What is
deepdown_inside's biggest flaw? her heroine addiction
35) What would
diduknowimissu give
stephtizzle for his/her birthday? do they even know each other?
36) Does
deepdown_inside have a big secret? probably
37) Would you wrestle
unknowntruths in jello? no
38) What song/movie would you recommend to
defyingravity88? i wont even answer that one
39) What is
yroc4887's favorite movie? anything with spanish people
40) Is
straightlaughin popular? i guess