Private to self

Mar 03, 2006 20:16

Private to self.

Come on, Nott.

As if there was anyone who had even the vaugest remote interest in what you had to say.

Or as if you could reinterperate the definition of the word 'private' to include other people!

Private, adjective.

1. Secluded from the sight, presence, or intrusion of others: a private hideaway; or Designed or intended for one's exclusive use: a private room.

2. Of or confined to the individual; personal: a private joke; private opinions.
Undertaken on an individual basis: private studies; private research.
Of, relating to, or receiving special hospital services and privileges: a private patient.

3.Not available for public use, control, or participation: a private club; a private party.

Nowhere does it say: private: a thing to be shared.


Although the first definition sounds awfully familiar.

But the reason for this, my first journal entry. I need somewhere to think this out, and this is my recourse.

Professor Snape... not guilty??

Merlin, what do I think?

Reason, first and foremost.

1.(a) I admire Professor Snape; I feel he is a man who understands the desire to stand apart from most mindless drones and mooncalves that populate this world.

1.(b) I do (did?) not admire his seemingly staunch support of a half-blood madman.

Since (b) has changed, does that mean that (a) is more true?


2. Other things I have found fault with in our Head of House:
~ (a)Excessive pandering to the Malfoys.
~ (b)Disregard of "weaker" purebloods like myself.
~ (c)Distain for physical appearances

Things that have (possibly) no basis on his supposed "spy" status:

(c) Distain for physical appearances.


This is so much harder than I'd thought.


Forget lists for now. There's one thing that I know for sure:

Bollocks to the Ministry.
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