Merlin have mercy. Malfoy Sr. is released.
How shameful am I, to only feel relief that it was my father that had died instead of being imprisoned? If he had been, then he might have been released like Draco's father is right now.
The thought fills me with horror. My father, running about free?
The personal danger would have been more, but the danger to the wizarding world on the whole would have been less. Anthony, at the best of his times, only topped Mr. Malfoy in thoughtless cruelty.
Even though I am assured that Mr. Malfoy bested my father in cruelty of any sort, but he was never thoughtless.
I have to push all this aside. Draco's father is out there, free, and is endangering everyone on their side, my side now.
Merlin help us all.
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How are you holding up?
Do you need any help? careful.
Dear sir,
Please take care of him.