1) Physically Kidnapped From Our Places of Origin
The Queen (or some other entity) has taken us physically from our original worlds and transported us to the Gardens.
Evidence for
Bodies appear to function normally.
When returning to their origins (assuming this is the case) people disappear.
One person has experienced a similar place which involved physical transportation from her original world to that place.
Evidence against
Dead people are here. Would bodies work like that?
People who are killed are resurrected.
When returned to original worlds, things resume exactly as before, with no change in circumstances and little to no memory of their time here, which seems unlikely in this hypothesis, though not impossible. I hate magic so much.
Non-evidence arguments
2) Puppet Clones With Installed Memories
The Queen (or some other entity) has taken memories and/or some spiritual part of us and used them to create clones.
Evidence for
Dead people can be alive.
Evidence against
Non-evidence arguments
People who have left and returned appear to remember new things, but have forgotten the Gardens until their return, which seems overly complicated though again not impossible.
3) We Are All Completely Made Up
The Queen (or some other entity) has made everyone from scratch, and all our origins and memories are fictional.
Evidence for
Evidence against
Non-evidence arguments
See non-evidence argument for 2
We do not know whether people who return to their origins actually return or just disappear.
Really who would make all of that up for all these different people? It does not make sense.
4) Crazy Virtual Reality Game/Shared Dream
We are not physically in the Gardens at all, but are under the influence of a virtual reality simulation or similar mind-altering effect, or a shared dream.
Evidence for
(dream) Carl Jung proposed a "shared unconscious" for humans
Events of August B (see Timeline) in which flowers that began to break everything coincided with shared dreams and also released a gas which had an effect similar to certain anaesthetics. Flimsy evidence but personally interesting.
Evidence against
(dream) Some people are not humans
Non-evidence arguments
If it was a dream we would probably wake up more.
Other Hypotheses Not About Us
The Queen feeds on emotional bonds.
*Strange obsession with people being lovers.
The Queen is not the creator/entity in charge of the Gardens.
*When kidnapped and put in Labyrinth, she was stuck and could not get out. Also Gardens kept going like normal.
*Things happen that she can not control.
*She does not remember things about the Gardens.
*Side Note her helpers can not enter the magic dirt parts. Can the Queen?
The Queen is also a subject in an experiment.