Garbleblasted Application

Mar 06, 2011 03:16


Name: Kim
Are you over 16?: Yes
Personal LJ: _rakugosha_
Timezone: GMT-8/PST
Other contact: xsmokinbombx(aim),, rakuranger(plurk)
Characters already in the game: Billy Kaplan
How did you find us?: A friend


Character name: Richard "Dick" Grayson aka Robin
Fandom: Young Justice Animated
Timeline: Post Bereft(Episode 9)
Age: 13
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths:
Robin is one of the few who actually have no metahuman ability or superpowers. However, he is an elite hacker already at age thirteen and his intelligence levels is far surpassed that of his age (he's not a genius, but he's smart at the very least). He also is very handy when it comes to information as he's very good at detective work. Along with that, Robin is at his peak human condition due to extensive training. His biggest advantage is his natural borne acrobatic ability he gained by growing up as a trapeze artist (he can do flips n' shit so watch it). He's also a good marksman with knowledge of all kinds of weapons and how to use them and seems to be able to just run off without anyone noticing. He also knows how to butcher the English language by removing prefixes in words to make new words. He's trained in all kinds of self defense and martial arts since he has no superpowers.
How would they use their abilities?:
For the greater good! He's a superhero!
Being the youngest of the team makes him short, but Robin is definitely shorter then average (he's tiny). He has short black hair with some bangs that are swiped to the side slightly. He's thin and lean, although not scrawny. He has brilliant, blue eyes and a fair complexion.

In uniform, he's wears a yellow, black, and red uniform with a yellow utility belt, and a black cape (the inside is yellow). He wears tabi boots and gloves and also wears a mask hide his identity. His gloves are high tech and brings up a computer screen in which Robin can use it to hack and store all kinds of data.

Outside of costume he can be seen wearing normal pants along with a hoodie and jacket. He always carries his utility belt even out of costume, hiding it in his sleeve. Instead of a mask, he wears sunglasses.
[Any pre-history before Young Justice episodes are based off Dick Grayson from the comics.]
Dick Grayson was born and raised on a circus until around age eight or nine. His parents were Mary Grayson and John Grayson. He was the youngest of the flying acrobatic act and was part of the trio, the Flying Graysons. They were the main attraction of the circus (Haly's Circus) when they made their appearance in Gotham. It is at the same time that Bruce Wayne goes to see the performance.

The performance is a disaster. Tony Zucco was demanding the owner to pay him extortion money, which the owner refused to pay. The ropes were sabotaged and Dick watched as his parents plummeted to their death in front of the many inhabitants of Gotham, due to the fact that they performed without a safety net set up. He blames himself for not being able to warn his parents in time about the ropes. Bruce Wayne witnesses his parents death.

Due to his parents no longer being alive, the circus couldn't keep Dick as he was underaged at that time. He was placed at an uncaring juvenile due to social service being full and was beaten up by other kids there until he was placed in an orphanage. He stays at the orphanage until Bruce Wayne adopts him as his ward (this being he wanted to keep his last name as Grayson and he didn't want to replace his father).

Grayson was extremely frustrated by the lack of attention and care that Bruce expressed towards him at first and also the mystery around the death of his parents. He sneaks out of the manor to find out more about what happened. He runs into one of Zucco's associates but Batman comes and saves him. Dick soon finds out that Bruce is Batman and together they find out Zucco's involvement in his parents' death.

Seeing potential in Dick, he offers Dick to fight crime alongside him. Thus the sidekick, Robin is created. Dick is trained in everything Bruce can offer to him that would make him a suitable sidekick. This went on for months until Bruce presented him the final test: to elude him from sunset to sunrise (The Gauntlet). Dick does just this and also even brings a Gotham gangster to justice while avoiding Batman.

Bruce and Dick work as a team for four years before the Young Justice timeline starts.

On the Fourth of July, Roy(Speedy), Wally(Kid Flash), Kaldur'ahm(Aqualad), and Robin are to become official Justice Leaguers and go past their rank as sidekicks.. The Justice League is basically a large team of superheroes who work to protect the world from supervillains and villains alike. On the same day, four different ice villains attack at different spots. Each sidekick and their mentor take them all down before approaching the Justice League base. There, they are told what access they have but are only given vague information before their mentors try to leave to discuss the matter of the ice villains attacking all at once. They are also alerted about a fire at Project Cadmus, in which Batman was suspicious of. Speedy grows angry and argues with the mentors and mentions that the actual base is located in space before quitting and storming out of HQ.

An alert about a more catastrophic problem is alerted and the mentors leave the remaining three sidekicks. While they talk, Robin becomes curious about Project Cadmus and hacks the Justice League computer to get any information about it. The only thing they discover is the location and name. As a team, Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Robin head to Project Cadmus where they save a few scientist and take out the fire.

While looking for any information, Aqualad sees a suspicious figure go through the elevator. Robin finds out that the elevator is an express elevator (in a two story building). Aqualad opens the elevator doors to reveal that the elevator when far underground.

The three snoop around, running into all kinds of strange things that they later find out are called genomorphs. The genomorphs come in different sizes and types and are engineered at the underground facility and are basically created for being weapons. They also find out why the lab is untraceable as it has it's own power source keeping it sound. Whilst downloading computer content from the maindrive, the three are found by Guardian, a Justice League member who are under the mind control of a genomorph. The three escape back to the elevator, but instead of going up, they go down, as Robin finds that there's a project by the name Project Kr. While getting to whatever Project Kr is, they are chased by Guardian and an entourage of genomorphs and they end up locking themselves into the vault.

Seeing that Project Kr is actually Superboy, who is a clone made by Superman's DNA meant to replace Superman if he is to ever go rogue, Robin sets him free. At the same time the genomorphs above him that were giving him an education receive telepathic messages from the ones outside the vault to tell Superboy to attack the three. Superboy subdues them and the three are promptly captured.

When they awake, Desmond, the scientist in charge of Project Cadmus is there. After a brief meeting with his higher ups, he is told to clone and dispose of the three and starts the process of doing so. At the same time Aqualad uses telepathy to contact Superboy about the choices he has and he comes and saves the three and the four make a break for the surface.

While Desmond sends Guardian and the genomorphs off to try and apprehend the four, he returns to his lab to pick up something called Project Blockbuster.

Before the team are able to make it, they are blocked by Desmond, who drinks Project Blockbuster, becoming a huge monster of some kind. The four engage and beat him while also destroying the Project Cadmus building. After the battle, the Justice League members arrive and are told what Superboy is. Batman tells them they are never to do that again and the four retaliate, speaking that they did good work and they will not stop.

Mount Justice is then brought back and is worked on to become the new HQ for the Young Justice team. Red Tornado is assigned to watch over them and Black Canary is their drill instructor for training. Both are Justice League members. They also meet their fifth member, M'Gann( Miss Martian) who is the Martian Manhunter's niece.

At first, they didn't do to well with Miss Martian being on the team when a villain named Twister attacks, and the team ends up losing horribly. However, with the help from Miss Martian, the team are able to take down Twister, starting a bond between the five.

Also, leadership is still shaky at this time. A covert mission that ends with engaging changes this. They end up choosing Aqualad as their leader. Robin, although most experienced, was still young and not ready to lead a team. They are able to destroy, what they found to be a factory making some type of super drug, although Kobra (who is in charge of the factory) get away.

A little bit is known about Robin's personal life is found out as we end up having a fight at Gotham Academy, where Robin goes to school. We know that he was a mathlete honoree.

A serious mission of protecting a scientist is assigned. Speedy, who now goes by Red Arrow had saved her from her imprisonment, although they could not take the thing she was working on. At the same time, the team gets their sixth member, Artemis, who immediately starts butting heads with Kid Flash. The thing that the scientist had been working on are nano machines that can eat and harness information gained by eating the computer systems they are able to get their hands on. The cure to deactivate it is given to Robin and he shuts down the nano machines before they are able to attack Wayne Industries.

Robin and Batman go back to their operations in Gotham while the team continues to do things (although not actual missions).

After a horrible battle with Clayface in which Batman intervenes, the team is given some offtime. Here we see Robin training and having some time with Bruce as father and son.

The next mission they're assigned, the team loses any memories prior to 6 months ago. They end up separating and have to regroup. They're able to put all their memories back together and complete the mission after some difficulty.

Why should that character be in this game: N/A

Why do you want to continue their history here: N/A

For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play: N/A

Have you read up on how the game works?: Of course. The Plug-in is named the Flaming Ferret.

To gain money you can either do assigned missions that are posted each month, free-lance work where you offer your services, or you can just mooch off your friends.

Robin is like any other thirteen year old. Immature. He often toys with his opponents and plays around.

He's not like Batman though. He's extremely lighthearted and seems to somehow enjoy everything he does. He's usually always smiling in some way or form and can usually be heard laughing when he does an acrobatic feat of some kind or when he disappears off stealthily. The lighthearted attitude was probably due to his upbringing as an acrobat on the circus.

Even outside of costume, he is rather jovial and likes to poke fun at anyone. He'll even tease and laugh when someone makes mistakes and will make witty remarks. Wally and him are extremely close and Dick tends to act rather brotherly towards him.

He also likes to rework words, usually taking out the prefixes of words to make new words.

Despite this childish behavior he tends to have, Robin is the smartest of the team and also a natural, tactical thinker. He can think of plans quite easily in tight situations and often thinks ahead to stay a step ahead of their opponents.

Although rather open. Robin keeps a lot of personal life to himself, partly because of Batman's instructions.

1st person sample:
Oh for-

[The video feed starts off at a disgruntled looking teen.]

Really love the whole throwing me from spaceship to spaceship guys. Seriously, I do not take that much room up. Can we decide where we want to place Robin already? I'm pretty sure this isn't Sif, not that it took that much work to do so. Give me something that might actually whelm me instead of this child's play. What am I, nine?

Well, not feeling the aster of being in a completely new ship. First my world is apparently destroyed, then I have to get acquainted on one ship, now acquainted on a new one? I guess the only great thing is I have things to do. And by the way, I am not set. The opposite of upset. I'm just tired of acquainting myself with new people when I was completely fine knowing the people I already knew!

[He'd roll his eyes, but you can't see it behind his mask.]

Since I might have more luck this around Bats? How about my team? I'm kind of tired of us always losing contact. And I am completely breaking radio silence for the sake of getting in contact of you guys, so you better speak up! Robin out.

[The video feed ends.]

3rd person sample:
Did Robin ever mention how much this sucks? Well it does. How is it by age thirteen he's seen his parents die, become a superhero, and have the world destroyed all in one lifetime? He's still trying to process that one, but he can just assume that he somehow acquired a rockstar life of some kind.

But, hey, being on a spaceship full of really weird people is pretty fun too! Let down is that he can't really do much in such closed space.

And the jobs available seemed to be at least decent.

Which is why he found himself being an acrobat again to entertain some of the inhabitants on the ship. And if there was one thing Robin knew how to be good at, it was making a show worth watching.

Each aerial flip was executed perfectly; nothing less of being completely graceful and elegant. Each spin or twirl, done with perfect precision. He was an acrobat at heart and he knew how to work any piece of equipment meant for an acrobat. And hearing the crowd made him recall just how much he enjoyed being in the spotlight. He was still the Boy Wonder after all.

And if Bruce wasn't around, he needed to at least find a job so he can continue looking for his teammates or any of the Justice League members. He just kind of wish they were around already. Thirteen and still prone to missing friends and family really easily.

"So who wants to see me do another flip?" The cheering crowd is the only thing on his mind for the time being.

Questions?: I posted him to the Fourth Wall event. If the muns agree, would it be alright to take any CR he got here and still retain it when he arrives?
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject:
Duh of course <3


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