hi hi, whitney. i'm in a band called The Difference Engine, and Jeremy from baton rouge said you might be able to help us out in athens. our jan 2 date fell thru @ secret squirrel, and its our first day of tour..embarassing! anyway, let us know what's up, if you can help us out! thanks so much!
Hi there, I'm one of the mods for debunkingwhite. We recently received your request for membership; as part of the intake process, we ask if you could share a little about your interest in anti-racism and what drew you to the community. (We like to get a feel for where people are coming from). You can either respond here or send an email to my livejournal dot com address if you'd prefer; please put your username in the text of the email if you do that so I know who I'm talking to. Thanks!
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