A Major Upset

Mar 20, 2005 08:23

Well yesterday didn't turn out exactly as planned.  I worked so hard for so long on this History project and I didn't win.  I have a theory though on why I did not win.  What the judges were looking for was a literal interpertation of the theme (communication in history: the key to understanding) ie: stamps, letters, etc.  Last year the judges from ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

swimbo317 March 20 2005, 11:36:13 UTC
oMG BRENDA! i havent talked to you since i saw it but you were SO RIGHT! its SOOOO GOOD! and that mark fellow..very very hot. i will have his baby..thats what i wanted to tell you all those times i left you messages on IM..but yeah i wanna go agaiN!!! and just so you know, im sneaking in your purse to see it tonight! =D


jagnum March 20 2005, 14:03:24 UTC
Hey Brenda, Rent was just AMAZING!!!!! I hope you have as much fun tonight as I did, this afternoon!


deathisabitch March 20 2005, 17:17:10 UTC
Kevin wins!


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