Mostly Harmless

Oct 27, 2010 22:26


Name: Alex
Are you over 16?: Y
Personal LJ: freege
Email: prinnypenguin[at]gmail[dot]com
Timezone: AST
Other contact: ttlynotPrinny at AIM
Characters already in the game: N/A
How did you find us?: cleaningkosmos lured me over at app_this_plz. Then I took forever to get around to finishing the app. 8[


Character name: MOMO Mizrahi
Fandom: Xenosaga
Timeline: Near the end of Episode 3, shortly before FINAL BOSS TIME, YEAH.
Age: She's been alive for around 15 years but has the appearance and personality of a 12 year old

~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths:

As an 100-Series Observational Realian, MOMO has the same abilities that all of them share, though with slight differences. Observational Realians were, as the name implies, made to observe. MOMO has sensors built into her that allow her to analyze and process information about what's around her. She can analyze things ranging from a person's genetic makeup and species to her exact location (I don't know if she'd be able to pinpoint the Thor's exact location?).

Another one of her abilities is the Hilbert Effect. The monsters from her world, the Gnosis, were impossible to defeat unless they were drawn fully out into their plane of existence. The Hilbert Effect is able to do just that, though MOMO's has a short range. The Effect can also be used to interfere with other waves, such as those emitted by some weapon systems.

MOMO is also able to use ether abilities (the Xenosaga world's equivalent of magic) and nanomachines for both offensive and healing purposes. Lastly, she can also fight with an ether bow, which is really just a ~*magic*~ bow and arrows.

How would they use their abilities?: FOR THE GOOD OF MANKIND.

Seriously though, she'd use her Observational Realian abilities to help out everyone else however she could and her ether abilities to help heal people. As for the offensive ether abilities, she'd save those for whenever there was some sort of danger to fight off.


MOMO's appearance was modeled after that of Sakura Mizrahi, her creator's late daughter, with some differences. Even with the differences though, she's the 100-Series who looks the most like Sakura did. She's rather short and thin, standing at 4'8" and weighing only 79 pounds (unrealistic video game weights strike again!). She has short shoulder length pink hair, while Sakura' hair was brown, which is usually kept under a hat. MOMO's eyes are yellow, unlike Sakura's green ones, the same shade of yellow that all Realians have.

As for her clothing, what she was last wearing was a white shirt, red corset, and red skirt. What a twelve year old girl is doing wearing a corset, I will never know.

It should also be noted that MOMO looks the same way she has all her life. Realians usually don't age so she has always looked like a twelve year old. However, she was actually designed to eventually be able to "grow up." That is, once her mind matures, she could, if she chose to, have her consciousness transferred to an older body. Yeeeaaah, I still can't decide whether that's creepy or not.


[Background - Xenosaga is practically the definition of TL;DR so I tried my best to keep it concise! Though, uh, if you'd like the SUPER TL;DR version, I can do that too!]

MOMO's from a time when humans no longer know where Earth is, and live scattered throughout the universe. She's a Realian, which is basically an artificial human. What they're made of ranges from silicone to artificial skin and organs, depending on what they're made for. MOMO is not only a transgenic Realian (meaning she's as close to human as possible), but she was specially designed to have features most other Realians don't.

She was originally meant to be a helper for her creator's, Joachim Mizrahi's, daughter Sakura, who had a disease that made her unable to interact with the world around her. When Sakura, who had been living with her mother Juli, died, Joachim first tried to reincarnate her consciousness in MOMO and, upon realizing it was impossible, allowed a new consciousness to form and built her to be the prototype of the 100-series Realians. These Realians would observe and help when dealing with dangerous monsters called the Gnosis.

Shortly before she was activated a conflict - the Miltian Conlict - broke out on the planet Miltia, near where she had been built. This conflict ended with Joachim dead and believed to have summoned Gnosis into the world. Where, previously, they had only come sporadically, suddenly they came in large groups.

Shortly after all of this, MOMO was finally born, or rather, activated. As she was made to essentially be a twelve year old, she acted similar to one from the moment of her birth. She was officially registered as the daughter of both Juli and Joachim Mizrahi and was sent to the Federation capital of Fifth Jerusalem. Her mother had absolutely no desire to see her and spent as much time away from her as possible.

MOMO was, quite likely, closely monitored while she grew up. However, fourteen years passed mostly uneventfully, with her spending her days mostly alone. Eventually it was discovered that Joachim had left important data inside MOMO, the Y-Data. This obviously meant that she could no longer live as peacefully as she had. She was to be sent to another planet, where the data could be analyzed by the government. Before that could happen though, she was kidnapped then rescued by the cyborg Ziggurat 8. She quickly gave him the nickname Ziggy and would soon come to see him as a father figure. Because Mommy didn't love her, baaaaaawwww.

...Back to MOMO and Ziggy! They fled and were soon helped by the crew of a ship named the Elsa. They found that they were heading to the same planet so they traveled together and it didn't take long for them all to become friends, along with the people who joined them soon after.

MOMO was kidnapped yet again shortly after, this time by someone named Albedo, who turned out to be the brother of two of MOMO's new friends. Boy was Albedo obsessed with one of them, his twin brother. All three of them had just so happened to have known Sakura when they were younger, too.

After leaving MOMO with some nice trauma by showing her that even ripping his own head off wouldn't kill him (due to him being able to regenerate his body) and attempting to steal the Y-Data off her, the others rescued her from Albedo.

Some time after, they all reached their destination, Second Miltia, though not without Albedo causing them trouble again. When the Y-Data was to be analyzed, Albedo interfered yet again, which led to her trying to destroy her own mind to protect her "Daddy's" data. Unfortunately, he still managed to get the data, though MOMO managed to get out of the situation with her mind mostly intact thanks to the help of her friends.

They did eventually, however, manage to find a copy of the Y-Data, with which they found out that Joachim Mizrahi had been framed by an organization called Ormus and had only been trying to protect humanity. Shortly after, their group infiltrated Ormus's fortress and faced off against one of its leaders, who they managed to defeat. Albedo even tried to help them, though the by the end of it all he was dead. He wasn't the only casualty, as the original Miltia, Old Miltia, got itself destroyed by Ormus's fortress.

A year passed, with the situation with the Gnosis turning worse and worse and with Ormus still out there. After a nice trip into the mind of one of MOMO's friends (let me tell you, technology is advanced in their world), the group realized who was really behind everything (even the Gnosis and that last trip into a friend's mind), a man named Wilhelm. He was not only the real leader of Ormus, but the CEO of a powerful company which was behind the creation of one of MOMO's friends, KOS-MOS, a battle android.

When they eventually reached Wilhelm, they found out the truth of what he was doing. He was trying to save the universe. If it went on as it was, it would eventually be destroyed. However, his plan, which had already succeeded countless times before, was to turn back time and start everything over, over and over again. Of course, they had to stop him!

And that's when MOMO arrives on the S.S. Thor, without even being able to stop Wilhelm's cycle.

MOMO's personality is essentially artificial and that of a twelve year old girl (though she's actually been alive for around 15 years). Though her artificial personality layer was made to be similar to a real human's personality, it's still just that: artificial. Of course, her personality is real to her. She was distressed once when it was referred to as an "optional function." In fact, her being a Realian is itself a bit of a sensitive subject for her. While most of the time she's perfectly fine with it, she actually wants only to be a normal little girl, what her father had wanted her to be. Since even before she was born, her father always told her that if she did good deeds, she would become a real girl. Because of this she always strives to do things that she considers good.

She's a kind and innocent little girl. She's always nice to those around her, unless they're "bad people" or she's seen them do things she considers bad. Even then, it's still possible that she'd be willing to forgive those people for any wrongs done against her (At the end of the third game, she implies that she's willing to give someone who did terrible things to her another chance, aka Albedo). She's very forgiving.

MOMO's nearly always cheery and optimistic, always ready to greet anyone with a smile. She's much more likely to look on the bright side of things than the opposite. That doesn't mean, however, that she never feels sad. Her mother's constant rejections over the years and accusations of her father being a madman are prime examples of what gets her down.

Even with all of that, however, she's not afraid to stand up for herself or others when the situation calls for it. She's specially likely to stand up for others, more than she is to stand up for herself. Her friends and family are extremely important to her, so she would never just let them get hurt in any way.

Have you read up on how the game works?: Y!

The Guide plug-in is FlamingFerret and three ways to make money are missions, mooching off others, and pickpocketing.

1st person sample:

I've never had to fill out so much paperwork before... [A small sigh is heard over the voice feed. When she next speaks, the voice is firmer, less shaky.]

Um, hello, everyone. I've been trying to find our location, but I don't think I recognize it. Does anybody know this ship's current coordinates? No one would tell me and I really don't think I should stay here very long. I have to get back to my friends. It's... It's really very important! I'm sure they're waiting for me back there and I've got to help them!

Oh... Did any of the others come here with me? I can't have been the only one, right? Did he send me here...?

3rd person sample:

[Set between games two and three and shameless copypasta, oh lawd.]

It was always nice to visit the Durandal whenever it was nearby. The starship always seemed to be traveling to some place or another so visits to both it and the Foundation had been few lately. Few enough to make MOMO miss the time she had spent traveling with her friends. They might have been in danger for most of that time, but it had still been so good to be with them all the time. The trips to the Foundation whenever they hadn't been busy had been great, too!

Six months had passed already since Albedo had caused the Space-Time Anomaly. That was seven months since she'd last seen all of her friends. Oh, she'd managed to keep in contact with some of them through the UMN, of course, and she'd seen Jr. the few times that the Durandal had been nearby, but it just wasn't the same. Not to mention the Gnosis Terrorism. Really, MOMO felt terrible knowing that she wasn't doing everything she could to help with that. To think that, near the beginning of those months, she'd thought that at least they'd all be safe for a while.

MOMO shook her head. She couldn't do anything about it at the moment, she thought as she stepped off the shuttle to the Foundation. What mattered just then was that she was about to see one of said friends again. She'd spoken to Jr. earlier and he'd agreed to meet her and Ziggy near the hotel there.

It was a short walk from the shuttles to the Our Treasure Hotel. She pointed out to Ziggy the different buildings on the way, though she knew that he knew them just as well as she did already. It was just a way of finding something to talk about. It was that way with him sometimes. He'd never been very talkative in the time she'd know him. He wa-...

Was that a dog barking she heard? She whirled around to look for the source of the barking. There hadn't been any dogs on their way there. Was there one inside one of the buildings? Or was it just entering the area?

Her questions were soon answered when she saw a small white puppy bounding towards her. "Alby!" She laughed. "Look, Ziggy! It's Alby."

She picked him up once he got close enough and gave him a brief hug, giggling all the time. "How did you get here by yourself, boy? Shouldn't Jr. be with you?" The dog's only response was to bark at her again, his tongue wagging.

She laughed again. "I think he was supposed to be here too, wasn't he? Did he forget? Or did he just-"

What she was about to say was cut off by a voice in the distance. The words coming from the voice sounded suspiciously like "Me forget? Never!" That could only mean one thing...


Questions?: I think I'm good!
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yep!
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