I haven't done one of these in a long time. AoE FTW!

Nov 15, 2005 23:33

[ Current Clothes ] jag tshirt, boxers.
[ Current Hair ] crap
[ Current Annoyance ] non-sleepiness
[ Current Smell] none
[ Current thing I ought to be doing ] sleeping
[ Current Desktop Picture ] ichigo and rukia. its fkn hot.
[ Current Favorite Artist ] hmm dunno
[ Current Favorite Group ] been listening to a lot of green day and the juliana theory lately
[ Current Book you're reading ] i want a book to read
[ Current CD in CD Player] Mp3 CD with the new Mae album, new green day, new JTJ and new coheed.
[ Current Refreshment ] none, i want some more scotch
[ Current Worry ] none really
[ You Touched ] keyboard.
[ You Talked to ] mum
[ You Hugged ] my mum
[ You Instant messaged ] helen
[ You Yelled At ] randoms

[ Food ] anything japanese, almost
[ Drink ] coke, scotch
[ Colour ] deep blue
[ Shoes ] my es'
[ Animal ] maggie
[ Movie ] Fight Club/Starwars
[ Vegetable ] Snow Peas
[ Fruit ] Kiwi Fruit/mango
[ Cartoon ] Bleach/Futurama

[ Understanding ] more than required on most occasions
[ Open-minded ] a lot more than i used to be
[ Arrogant ] sometimes, rarely though
[ Insecure ] very
[ Interesting ] i dunno, tell me
[ Random ] yep, completely
[ Hungry ] kinda
[ Friendly ] i try to be
[ Smart ] i'd like to consider myself to be intelligent
[ Moody ] not as much as i used to be
[ Childish ] when appropriate
[ Independent ] indeed
[ Hard working ] too much so, i need to be paid more.
[ Organized ] very much so these days
[ Healthy ] no, but im gettign better
[ Emotionally Stable ] dunno, emotions havent been tested in a while
[ Shy ] haha too much when im sober. sometimes not enough when im drunk
[ Difficult ] not really any more, im easy to please
[ Attractive ] doubt it!
[ Bored Easily ] depends on the situation, generally no
[ Thirsty ] yes, very much so.
[ Responsible ] I would like to think so.
[ Obsessed ] Nope.
[ Angry ] Nope, carefree for a change
[ Sad ] no, not really
[ Happy ] generally, could be happier though ;)
[ Hyper ] lethargic would be the word right now <--- still stands from 1 year ago.
[ Trusting ] trust is meant to be earnt. dont fucking break mine.
[ Talkative ] if someone is talking, i dislike starting converations most of the time

[ Kill ] one person.
[ Slap ] people who deserve it
[ Get Real Wasted With ] you.
[ Get High With ] no one. fuck that shit.
[ Look Like ] i dont want to look like anyone, im happy with who i am even if its not the greatest of appearances.
[ Talk To Offline ] work people mainly
[ Talk To Online ] people playing WoW, and a few others. i keep to myself too much, talk to me.

1. kisser- me.
2. smile - tough one.
3. eyes - not sure, not looked into anyones so much lately
4. laugh - jayse, that laugh is pure gold & tanya.
5. story teller - not sure
6. cook - myself
7. loudest - tanya
8. cutest personality - dunno
9. friendliest - kirril
10. favorite person to hug - no one hugs me.
11. gives best compliments- dont remember the last one i scored
12. could never get sick of - i get sick of everyone eventually
13. craziest person - not sure anymore
14. person to talk to- i dont talk to many people.
15. sweetest - *shrug
16. happiest - most people, i hope
17. compliment recieved - meh, dont even remember the last one
18. compliment you can think of to recieve - no idea.
19. makes you smile the most - how is this under the "best" section.
20. miss the most - i dunno, i miss a few people these days

Guys-Girls ? ? ?
1. Favorite features - Eyes, smile
2. Crush? haha, not revealing.
3. In Love? - not at present
4. How many times? - once.
5. Do they give you the chill? they used to
7. Could you picture yourself being married to them? not any more, no.
8. Been Heartbroken? yep, twice.
9. How many times? answered above.
10. Most romantic thing you've done for someone - rain + beach clifftop + making out = win.
11. Most romantic thing someone's done for you? nothing really... i dont get treated to much
12. Your dream of a romantic thing for someone to do for you? mmm beach, nights, moon.. *emo fruit* <-- word.
13. Marriage? someday, if anyone would take me.
14. Kids? a couple, maybe more
15. For true love or something else? true love, indeed
16. Big or small wedding?? reasonable, i suppose
17. Would you propose or them? I'd like to be the one who did it
18. How would you/how would you want them to? sitting on a blanket during a midnight picnic on the beach, im a fucking fruit.

HAVE YOU EVER (loved somebody so much ..no sorry) :)
1. Kissed in the rain? fkn oath!
2. Called someone in the middle of the night just because you couldn't wait any longer to? yep, wish i had someone to ring now.
3. Thought about someone so much you annoyed yourself? in the past, yes... still do on occasions
4. Talked about someone to the point of people telling you to shut up? yep
5. Who's the person you miss the most? a few people
6. Watched the stars with someone? not in a very long time, at least i sat in the rain last night.
7. Cried because you're happy? or just cried anyway and didnt know why? not in a long long time
8. Been in love, but it wasn't returned? im not so sure of this any more
9. Kept something that smelled so you could smell it when you missed that person? haha dirty clothes hahahaha
10. Called someone more than 5 times during the day? yep.
11.Who's name did you say most in this? even spread this year
WALLET: old and falling apart and in need of more money
BAG: old shitty one falling apart ;(
HAIR-BRUSH: dont use one.
MAKEUP: hahaha no.
TOOTHPASTE: colgate, whatever is around
SOCKS: kmart socks ftw!
PILLOW COVER: shades of green atm
BLANKET: same as above.
COFFEE CUP: dont drink coffee anymore
KEYCHAIN: no chain, just car/house keys
COMPUTER: my baby, amd athlon 3700+, 1gb corsair ram, 7800gtx, 600gb. need a new case and more hard drives
FAVORITE TOP: my jag top
FAVORITE PANTS: insight jeans
SOAP: shower gel.
CAR: ford ea falcon
IN THE FRIDGE: food, booze :)~
TELEPHONE: telstra cordless
CELLPHONE: nokia 6230

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