1. Child's name and date of birth? Ella Olivia 12.2.05 [she's almost 11 months!] 2. What is you child's special talent? She has learned the word Hi and will say Hi to everyone and every object she sees. She can also climb toys [though sometimes I wish she couldn't]. Ella likes to crawl on her hands and her actual feet. She doesn't crawl on her knees. It's quit entertaining if you ask me. 3. How would your child describe you?She would definately tell people mama is a spoiler and very easy going. I *really* shouldn't let her play with my cell phone. 4. If your child could get anything they wanted, what would he/she ask for?I think Ella would want to be a Mother. It is the best job anyone could ever have. 5. What is your child's favorite thing to do? She LOVES to pull the pans out and get into the food cabinets and pull out jars of spagettios and roll them around. 6. How would you describe your child?Ella is SUCH a happy baby. She is very photogenic and loves to flirt with new people. She's excellent for everyone BUT me. 7. What animal is your child most like and why?She would definately be a monkey. The kid climbs up things like no other. 8. What is the cutest thing about your child? Her blue eyes and tiny little patch of long blonde hair on the top of her head. 9. What is the one thing you would change about your child?I would definately try and get her to enjoy taking a bath. Right now she is in the that phase to where she is terrified of it. It's sad, tub toys are fun! (: 10. What is the one thing your child would change about the world?try and get parents with the finances to adopt more.